Validation of selected somatic mutations detected by NGS (TST 170 panel) on tissue, plasma, and saliva from HNSCC patients by ddPCR. (A) Patient No. 2 with tongue squamous cell carcinoma and lung metastasis (T3N2M1) at baseline diagnosis; (B) Patient No. 3 with gingival squamous cell carcinoma at baseline diagnosis and after surgery and postoperative radiotherapy (RT) treatment, locoregional lymph node recurrence, and distant metastasis in vertebra (T4N3M1); and (C) Patient No. 6 with hypopharynx tumor and lung metastasis at baseline diagnosis (T3N0M1). ddPCR, digital droplet PCR; LN, lymph nodes; MX, metastasis; NGS, next‐generation sequencing; NP, not performed; PT, primary tumor; WT, wild‐type.