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. 2023 Jan 27;114(4):1297–1308. doi: 10.1111/cas.15720


Risk stratification by DNMT3A R882 mutation/NPM1 mutation/FLT3‐ITD allelic ratio genotypes

NPM1 mutation a DNMT3A R882 mutation FLT3‐ITD Patient number (HSCT at 1st CR) 2‐year OS 2‐year OS censored at HSCT 2‐year EFS ELN 2017 GS‐JAML (2022)
Positive Negative Negative 73 (4) 78.7% 76.0% 44.8% Favorable Favorable
Low AR 21 (10) 67.4% 42.8% 53.6% Favorable Favorable b
High AR 29 (13) 60.9% 44.8% 34.3% Intermediate Intermediate
Positive Negative 23 (4) 78.2% 60.4% 20.5% Favorable Intermediate
Low AR 6 (2) 25.0% 16.7% 0.0% Favorable Adverse
High AR 19 (4) 24.3% 0.0% 0.0% Intermediate Adverse

TP53 mutation was detected in one patient with normal karyotype/NPM1 mutation positive/FLT3‐ITD negative/DNMT3A R882 mutation positive and in one patient with normal karyotype/NPM1 mutation positive/FLT3‐ITD negative/DNMT3A mutation negative. Furthermore, a complex karyotype was detected in one patient with NPM1 mutation positive/FLT3‐ITD high‐AR/DNMT3A mutation negative. These patients are included in the NPM1 mutation‐positive AML analysis data.


The NPM1 mutation positive/DNMT3A R882 negative/FLT3‐ITD low‐AR group exhibited a short survival in the analysis of OS censored at HSCT, and allogeneic HSCT should be actively indicated when FLT3 inhibitors are not used.