CAF co-cultures with NSCLC primary cells
(A and B) NSCLC primary cells were co-cultured with CAFs in 5% FBS medium in the absence or in the presence of 400 nmol/L Gint4.T, Gint4.T-STAT3, or CtrlApt for 72 h in Boyden chambers (0.4-μm pore size). Cells were recovered and cell viability was measured and expressed relative to cells grown in the absence of CAFs. (C and D) Indicated NSCLC primary cells were left untreated or treated with 400 nmol/L Gint4.T, Gint4.T-STAT3, or CtrlApt-STAT3 and following 24 h were seeded in the Boyden upper chamber (8-μm pore size) and exposed to 5% FBS medium (−) or to CAFs grown in 5% FBS medium (lower chamber). Left panels, representative photographs of migrated cells are shown; right panels, migrated cells were quantified and expressed realtive to (−) samples. In (A)–(D) error bars depict SD values (n = 2). Statistics by t test is reported: ∗p < 0.05; ∗∗p < 0.01.