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. 2023 Feb 13;27:100585. doi: 10.1016/j.lanepe.2023.100585
Population Baseline
‘000s (%) [95%CI]
‘000s (% point change) [95%CI]
Common Mental Disorders ‘000s (%) [95%CI]
Common Mental Disorders ‘000s (% of population) [95%CI]
Relative change
Common Mental Disorders compared to baseline (%) [95%CI]
Scenario 1:
Energy price cap risea
No policy response
All 13,322 [13,120, 13,524] (20.3%) [20.0%, 20.6%] 4745 [4615, 4875] (7.2%) [7.0%, 7.4%] 14,077 [13,871, 14,283] (21.4%) [21.1%, 21.7%] 584 [537, 631] (0.9%) [0.8%, 1.0%] 4.1% [3.9%, 4.3%]
Elderly 2223 [2140, 2306] (18.6%) [17.9%, 19.3%] 1148 [1085, 1211] (9.6%) [9.1%, 10.1%] 1526 [1455, 1597] (12.8%) [12.2%, 13.4%] 31 [21, 41] (0.3%) [0.2%, 0.4%] 2.0% [1.7%, 2.3%]
Working age 7165 [7015, 7315] (18.0%) [17.6%, 18.4%] 2421 [2328, 2514] (6.1%) [5.9%, 6.3%] 8531 [8371, 8691] (21.4%) [21.0%, 21.8%] 109 [89, 1429] (0.3%) [0.2%, 0.4%] 1.3% [1.2%, 1.4%]
Children 3934 [3830, 4038] (28.4%) [27.6%, 29.2%] 1176 [1112, 1240] (8.5%) [8.0%, 9.0%] 4020 [3915, 4125] (29.0%) [28.2%, 29.8%] 443 [402, 484] (3.2%) [2.9%, 3.5%] 11.0% [10.5%, 11.5%]
Scenario 2:
Energy price cap risea
+ Targeted supportb
All 13,322 [13,120, 13,524] (20.3%) [20.0%, 20.6%] 2839 [2737, 3941] (4.3%) [4.2%, 4.5%] 14,077 [13,871, 14,283] (21.4%) [21.1%, 21.7%] 362 [326, 198] (0.6%) [0.5%, 0.7%] 2.6% [2.5%, 2.7%]
Elderly 2223 [2140, 2306] (18.6%) [17.9%, 19.3%] 574 [528, 620] (4.8%) [4.4%, 5.2%] 1526 [1455, 1597] (12.8%) [12.2%, 13.4%] 15 [6, 24] (0.1%) [0.0%, 0.2%] 1.0% [0.8%, 1.2%]
Working age 7165 [7015, 7315] (18.0%) [17.6%, 18.4%] 1528 [1453, 1603] (3.8%) [3.6%, 4.0%] 8531 [8371, 8691] (21.4%) [21.0%, 21.8%] 69 [54, 84] (0.2%) [0.2%, 0.2%] 0.8% [0.7%, 0.9%]
Children 3934 [3830, 4038] (28.4%) [27.6%, 29.2%] 736 [684, 788] (5.3%) [4.9%, 5.7%] 4020 [3915, 4125] (29.0%) [28.2%, 29.8%] 278 [246, 310] (2.0%) [1.8%, 2.2%] 6.9% [6.5%, 7.3%]
Scenario 3:
Energy price cap risea
+ Targeted supportb
+ £2500 maximum price guaranteed
All 13,322 [13,120, 13,524] (20.3%) [20.0%, 20.6%] 584 [537, 632] (0.9%) [0.8%, 1.0%] 14,077 [13,871, 14,283] (21.4%) [21.1%, 21.7%] 92 [70–114] (0.1%) [0.1%, 0.1%] 0.7% [0.6%, 0.8%]
Elderly 2223 [2140, 2306] (18.6%) [17.9%, 19.3%] −22 [-31, −13] (−0.2%) [-0.3%, −0.1%] 1526 [1455, 1597] (12.8%) [12.2%, 13.4%] −1 [-1, −1] (0.0%) 0.0% [0%, 0%]
Working age 7165 [7015, 7315] (18.0%) [17.6%, 18.4%] 409 [370, 448] (1.0%) [0.9%, 1.1%) 8531 [8371, 8691] (21.4%) [21.0%, 21.8%] 18 [18, 18] (0.0%) 0.2% [0.2%, 0.2%]
Children 3934 [3830, 4038] (28.4%) [27.6%, 29.2%] 197 [170, 224] (1.4%) [1.21%, 1.59%] 4020 [3915, 4125] (29.0%) [28.2%, 29.8%] 74 [57, 91] (0.5%) [0.4%, 0.6%] 1.8% [1.6%, 2.0%]


Population size is constant across scenarios: total = 65.6 m; elderly = 11.9 m; working age adults = 39.8 m; children = 13.9 m.59

Baseline scenario uses domestic energy costs in February 2022 before energy price cap increases.60


Energy price cap rise of £693 (54%) on 1st April 2022 and a further £1573 (80%) on 1st October.61


Planned targeted support outlined by UK Government prior to the 8th September 2022: a universal £400 cost-of-living payment, a £650 cost-of-living payment to those on means-tested benefits, a £300 addition to the pensioner winter fuel payment, and a £150 disability cost-of-living payment.62


Poverty defined as a level of equivalised household disposable income after housing costs below 60% of the median equivalised household disposable income after housing costs in the UK in the baseline scenario.


£2500 price guarantee ceiling announced 8th September 2022.63