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. 2021 Apr 24. Online ahead of print. doi: 10.1016/j.rpsm.2021.04.002

Table 3.

Correlations matrix of sociodemographic data, risk factor for familial stress, caregivers’ stress, patients’ symptoms and coping strategies.

Caregivers’ total stress Patients’ total impact on symptoms Patients’ coping skills
Income level −.01 .04 −.01
Percentage of reduce income .16 .14* .02
Size of housing .06 −.07 .001
Outside outlet −.03 −.03 .04
Relatives at home with increased medical risk −.05 −.001 −.05
Medical outcome of relatives infected by COVID-19 .11 .05 −.07
Relatives at home in frontline against COVID-19 .10 −.09* −.003
Caregivers’ total stress .41 .02
Patients’ total impact on symptoms .32

Pearson's correlation indexes in bold were statistically significant at p < .05. Indexes with


tended to signification (.05 > p < 0.1).