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. 2023 Apr 3;98:104759. doi: 10.1016/j.tourman.2023.104759

Table 1.

Overview of typical research works related to tourism demand forecasting.

References Destination Data frequency Models Performance measure Independent variables Forecasting context
Sun et al. (2019) Beijing Monthly KELM, ARIMAX, ARIMA,
NRMSE, MAPE, DM Tourist arrivals, Baidu index, and Google trends data Tourist arrivals in Beijing from Mainland and overseas
Bi et al. (2021) Jiuzhaigou and Mount Siguniang Daily GAF/MTF/RP-CNN-LSTM,
MAE, MAPE, RMSE Tourist arrivals Tourist arrivals at two well-known attractions in China, Jiuzhaigou, and Mount Siguniang
Kulshrestha et al. (2020) Singapore Quarterly BBiLSTM, LSTM, SVR, RBFNN, ADLM RMSE, MAE, MAPE, RRMSE Tourist arrivals and economic variables Tourist arrivals to Singapore from five major source countries, namely Australia, France, Germany, Netherlands, and New Zealand
Law, Li, Bayesian and Han (2019) Macau Monthly LSTM-AM, Naïve, SVR, ANN, ARIMA, ARIMAX RMSE, MAE, MAPE Tourist arrivals, Baidu index, and Google trends data Tourism arrivals in Macau from the global market and mainland China
Sun et al. (2021) Beijing Monthly SN, SARIMA, SES, ARDL, SARIMAX, MLP, B-MLP, KELM, B-KELM, SAKE, B-SAKE MAPE, NRMSE, DS, DM, PT Tourist arrivals, economic variables and Baidu index Tourist arrivals in Beijing from origin countries of the United States, the United Kingdom, Germany, and France
Silva, Hassani, Heravi, and Huang (2019) European Monthly NNAR, DNNAR, ARIMA, ETS RMSE, RRMSE, MAPE, DM, HS Tourist arrivals International tourism demand for tourist arrivals of ten European countries,namely, Germany, Greece, Spain, Italy, Cyprus, Netherlands, Austria, Portugal, Sweden, United Kingdom
Park et al. (2021) Hong Kong Monthly SARIMAX, SARIMA, SNAIVE, ETS MAE, MAPE, RMSE, RMSPE, RI Tourist arrivals and online news data Tourism arrivals in Macau from the US and mainland China
Hu et al. (2021) Jiuzhaigou, Kulangsu and Siguniang Mountain Daily SN, SARIMA, ETS, SARIMAX, TBATS, k-NN and HPR MAPE and MASE Tourist arrivals and dummy variables for holidays Tourist visits to three attractions in China
Höpken et al. (2020) Sweden Monthly ARIMAX, ARIMA, ANN, ANNX RMSE and Shapiro-Wilk test Tourist arrivals and Google trends data Inbound tourist arrivals to Sweden from major sending countries (Denmark, Finland, Norway, the Russian Federation, and the United Kingdom)
Li et al., 2019a, Li et al., 2019b Hong Kong Quarterly Naïve, ES, SARIMA, STS, ADL, VAR, EC, TVP, Interval combination model MAPE and Winkler scores Tourist arrivals, economic variables, seasonal dummies and one-off event dummies Hong Kong's inbound tourism demand from its eight key source markets: mainland China, Taiwan, South Korea, Japan, Macao, the Philippines, Singapore and the US
Bi, Liu, and Li (2020) Jiuzhaigou and Huangshan
Daily Naïve, ARIMA, SVR, ANN and LSTM MAE, RMSE and MAPE Tourism volume data, Baidu index and weather data Forecasting the daily tourism volume of Jiuzhaigou and Huangshan Mountain Area, two famous tourist attractions in China

Notes: Models: Kernel extreme learning machine (KELM); Support vector regression (SVR); Autoregressive integrated moving average (ARIMA); Autoregressive integrated moving average with exogenous variables (ARIMAX); Artificial neural network (ANN); Least squares support vector regression (LSSVR); Gramian angular field (GAF); Markov transition field (MTF); Recurrence plot (RP); Convolutional neural network (CNN); Long short-term memory (LSTM); Support vector machine (SVM); Back propagation neural network (BPNN); Bidirectional long short-term memory optimized by Bayesian (BBiLSTM); Radial basis function neural network (RBFNN); Autoregressive distributed lag model (ADLM); LSTM augmented with the attention mechanism (LSTM-AM); Seasonal naïve (SN); Seasonal exponential smoothing (SES); Autoregressive distributed lag (ARDL); Multilayer perceptron (MLP); Bagging-based MLP (B-MLP); Bagging-based KELM (B-KELM); Stacked auto-encoder with KELM (SAKE); Bagging-based SAKE (B-SAKE); Neural networks auto-regression (NNAR); Denoised neural networks auto-regression (DNNAR); Hierarchical pattern recognition (HPR); Exponential smoothing state space model with Box-Cox transformation, ARMA errors, trend, and seasonal components (TBATS); k-Nearest neighbour (k-NN); Artificial neural network with exogenous variables (ANNX); Seasonal autoregressive integrated moving average (SARIMA); Seasonal autoregressive integrated moving average with exogenous variables (SARIMAX); Exponential smoothing (ETS); Structural time series (STS); Autoregressive distributed lag (ADL); Vector autoregressive (VAR); Error correction (EC); Time-varying parameter (TVP). Performance measures: Normalized root mean square error (NRMSE); Mean absolute percentage error (MAPE); Mean absolute error (MAE); Root mean square error (RMSE); The ratio of RMSE (RRMSE); Root mean square percentage error (RMSPE); Mean absolute scaled error (MASE); Diebold and Mariano statistic (DM); Pesaran and Timmermann statistic (PT); Hassani and Silva statistic (HS); Directional symmetry (DS); Relative improvement (RI). The bold font indicates the highest forecasting accuracy among the models.