Figure 1.
Cohort 1: Experimental design for glioma and CSF comparative analysis, and tumor characterization. A, Experimental design. Cohort 1 patients provided fresh tumor tissues (n = 45), CSF sampled from liquoral spaces in proximity with the surgical field (peritumoral CSF, n = 45) and blood samples (n = 42). Tumor tissue DNA underwent analysis of frequently occurring glioma genetic alterations (by Sanger sequencing and qPCR, step 1). Genetic alterations of informative tumors were searched in cell-free DNA (cfDNA) isolated from CSF or blood plasma by ddPCR assays tailored on the specific sequence alterations (step 2). Selected tumor tissue and CSF DNA samples underwent NGS (step 3). B, Glioma histopathological and molecular diagnosis, and genetic alterations in a selected panel of GBM-associated genes, detected by Sanger sequencing (mutations) and qPCR analysis (copy-number variations) in tumor tissues. (A, Created with