Fig. 5. Bray-Curtis beta diversity metrics of dinoRNAV mcp aminotypes from Porites lobata-Cladocopium C15 colonies varied by reef type and sampling time on the reefs of Moorea, French Polynesia (South Pacific).
A Between-group distances (composition) varied by reef type, with the fringe and back reef differing the most. The boxplot displays Bray-Curtis distances of dinoRNAV mcp aminotypes from samples of each pairwise combination of reef types. Each dot represents the Bray-Curtis distance between a sample from one reef type and a sample of another reef type. B Within group distances (dispersion) varied across sampling timepoint. The boxplot displays mean within-group distances of dinoRNAV mcp aminotypes for each sample, separated by sampling timepoint. Each dot represents one sample; dots are colored according to reef type.