(a, b) Side and top views of the atomic structure
of AuSn4. Yellow and gray balls denote Au and Sn atoms,
respectively. (c)
XPS survey spectrum of as-cleaved AuSn4. (d) XRD spectrum
for a single crystal of AuSn4. The inset shows a photograph
of grown single crystals. (e) Bulk electronic structure of AuSn4 obtained by density functional theory. Bands were obtained
by projecting the available kz within
the whole Brillouin zone. (f) The corresponding ARPES data are shown
as a sum of in-plane and out-of-plane light polarization, with photons
of 48 eV. At this energy, it is possible to access the full Brillouin
zone along Γ-X, along the orange line of the inset, and the
photoemission matrix elements are favorable. The overall agreement
between the calculated and the measured energy-momentum dispersion
is evident.