Figure 1.
Short-term, natural disturbance of Waimangu Stream by Inferno Crater Lake. (A) Waimangu Stream (outlined by the solid blue line) originates from Frying Pan Lake and flows down a rift valley to Lake Rotomahana. Sampling locations along the stream (Waimangu Features 2–7) are depicted by white circles, along with Inferno Crater Lake which overflows into Waimangu Stream every ~30–40 days. Waimangu Features 2 and 3 are upstream of the Inferno Crater Lake overflow (by ~150 and 10 m, respectively), while Waimangu Features 4–7 are downstream (by ~35, 200, 1,400, and 1,950m, respectively). (B) Microbial community composition and relative abundance of Waimangu Stream features and Inferno Crater Lake (ICL) before (August 2013) and during (October 2013) the disturbance, measured by amplicon sequencing of the 16S rRNA gene. Only phyla >1% average relative abundance across all samples in this category are shown.