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. 2023 Mar 17;14:1129272. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2023.1129272


Category scheme.

Main category First level subcategory Second level subcategory Third level subcategory
A Subjective experience A1 Negative emotions A11 Anxiety/panic
A12 Shame/embarrassment
A13 Nervousness/restlessness
A14 Discomfort
A15 Regret/frustration
A16 Perplexity/confusion/lack of understanding
A17 Stress/restriction
A18 Pressure/pressure to perform
A19 Anger
A110 Rumination
A111 Failure/overload/inability
A112 Effort
A2 Negative self-concept A21 Impolite
A22 Inadequate/inappropriate
A23 Strange/odd/funny/not normal
A24 Crazy
A25 Socially insecure
A26 Not worth it
A27 Quiet
A28 The only one
A3 Expectations and perceived functions of saying names A31 Expected effect on others/what names stand for A311 Seems forced/stupid/funny
A312 Creates the feeling of being the center of attention
A313 Triggers a negative reaction in the other person
A314 Creates the feeling of being caught out
A315 Feeling of being caught red-handed
A316 Pronunciation could be wrong/one could make a mistake
A317 Creates seriousness/strictness
A318 Stands for respect
A319 Stands for the whole person
A3110 Has a magical quality
A3111 Stands for identity/uniqueness
A3112 Is invasive
A3113 One is seen
A3114 Could feel distant, formal, unemotional
A3115 One shows oneself/makes oneself vulnerable
A3116 Is personal/intimate
A3117 Is beautiful
A3118 It might disturb/distract the person
A3119 It feels trivial/not special
A3120 It could sound very emotional
A32 Social functions A321 Creates (too much) closeness/connection
A322 Creates the feeling of being at the mercy of others
A323 Dissolves closeness (when I say your name, I am someone other than you; dissolves symbiosis)
A324 Establishes a boundary
A4 Possible benefits of not (!) saying names A41 Preserves something of one’s own
A42 Protects from being hurt
A43 Preserves a boundary/creates distance
A44 Serves to express aggression
A45 Serves to express repressed anger
A5 How it feels to try to address someone by their name A51 As if you were holding your breath
A52 Blockage/inhibition/overcoming
A53 Pausing
A54 A little shock
A55 Crossing a border
A56 Feeling physically bad
A57 Nausea
A58 Chest area contracts
A59 Feelings need to be turned off
A510 Like looking someone in the eyes
A511 Like physical contact
A512 An inside-verbalization that cannot come out
B General characteristics B1 Affected relationships B11 Romantic relationships
B12 Father/stepfather
B13 People with funny names (e.g., names that are difficult to pronounce)
B14 Men
B15 In (almost) all relationships
B16 Parents
B17 Strangers
B18 People with beautiful names
B19 Colleagues in education
B110 Adults/older people
B111 Teachers/lecturers
B112 Close/people known for quite some time/friends/important persons
B113 Persons of authority
B114 Very specific people
B2 Affected forms of communication B21 Personal contact
B22 When saying first names
B23 In serious situations
B24 In conversation with third parties
B25 In writing
B26 In direct conversation
B3 Using nicknames B31 Nicknames are not used in affected relationships
B32 Nicknames are used in non-affected relationships
B33 Nicknames are used in affected relationships
B4 Relation to one’s own name B41 No identification with own name
B42 Negative attitude toward own name
B43 Pleasant when others say own name
B44 Unpleasant when others say own name
B45 One’s own name stands for punishment/annoyance
B46 Being called by one’s own name creates distance
B47 Being addressed by one’s own name creates an inferior position
B5 Frequency (first occurrence, occurrences, duration, etc.) B51 The difficulty always occurs in the affected relationships
B52 The difficulty occurs over the entire duration of an affected relationship (e.g., throughout marriage)
B53 The difficulty occurs consistently since the first romantic relationship
B54 As early as kindergarten
B55 In adolescence
B56 Always
B57 It is the normal state
B6 Non-affected relationships/situations B61 Interactions with women
B62 With friends/colleagues/acquaintances (male and female)
B63 Animals
B64 Siblings
B65 Formal relationships
B66 Parents
B67 With new acquaintances
B68 At sports
B69 With particularly good friends
B70 With children
B7 Non-affected forms of communication B71 In Conversation with Third Parties
B72 In writing
B73 In playful situations
C Effects and coping strategies
C1 Effects on making contact C11 Is difficult
C12 Long waiting times until contact is made/conversation begins
C13 None (because coping strategy works so well)
C14 No contact
C15 Attempt to attract attention “telepathically”
C2 Effects on affected relationships C21 Noticed by others
C22 Unnoticed by others
C23 Perceived as impersonal/cold/distant
C24 Offends/hurts/makes people sad
C25 Not understood
C26 Creates a barrier/distance
C27 Some things remain unsaid
C28 Mistrust arises
C29 No significant influences
C3 Coping strategies C31 Starting a conversation without address
C32 Establishing contact through eye contact
C33 Use of impersonal forms of address (hey, etc.)
C34 Making contact by touching (e.g. tapping on the shoulder)
C35 Masking/avoidance
C36 Attempt to say names (unsuccessful)
C37 Use of nicknames
C38 Use of surnames
C39 Use of text messages instead of face-to-face conversation
C310 Saying names in a funny way/with dialect/as a joke
C311 Joking about it
C4 Intervention/therapy C41 Talking about it (with affected people)
C42 Psychotherapy
C43 Trying to break through the problem
C44 Exercise/dry training
C45 Fear of therapy
C46 Researching the topic
D Vulnerability factors D1 Childhood and family D11 Early signs of social anxiety (e.g., shyness, frequent blushing, etc.)
D12 Trauma/neglect/parental abuse/violence
D13 Mental disorders in the family (e.g., depression, addiction, narcissism, etc.)
D14 Absent parent (e.g., early death of a parent, absent father, etc.)
D15 Unstable family relationships (e.g., separation, divorce, strongly changing caregivers)
D16 Hardly any or no contact with family members
D17 Conflict avoidance in childhood/birth family
D18 Little communication/openness in the family
D19 Distant relationship with family
D110 Psychological problems in childhood
D111 Good family relationships in childhood
D112 Few friendships/bullying
D113 Dispute in the family
D114 Pressure to perform
D2 Current relationship patterns D21 Conflict avoidance
D22 Difficulty perceiving and communicating one’s own boundaries
D23 Dependent relationships
D24 Symbiotic relationships, desire to merge
D25 Difficulty trusting/relating/jealousy
D26 Few/no positive relationships
D27 Few male friends
D28 Good/happy/trusting current relationship
D29 Low self-worth
D3 Difficulty in the expression of emotions D31 Difficulty expressing feelings verbally (general)
D32 Difficulty expressing affection verbally
D33 Difficulty expressing gratitude verbally
D34 Difficulty expressing aggression
D35 Difficulty expressing needs