Tab. 1:
Hub and Lung KEs/AOPs
Hub KEs | KE1738 | Susceptibility to viral entry, increased |
KE1739 | ACE2 binding to viral S-protein | |
KE1847 | Coronavirus production, increased | |
KE1854 | ACE2 dysregulation | |
Hub AOPs | AOP379 | Increased susceptibility to viral entry and coronavirus production leading to thrombosis and disseminated intravascular coagulation |
AOP392 | Bradykinin and fibrinolytic dysregulation, hyperinflammation | |
Lung AOPs | AOP320 | Binding of viral S-glycoprotein to ACE2 receptor leading to acute respiratory distress (ARDS) associated mortality |
AOP377 | TLR9 activation leading to ARDS and Multi Organ Dysfunction | |
AOP173 | Substance interaction with the lung resident cell membrane components leading to lung fibrosis | |
AOP319 | Inhibition of Angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 leading to lung fibrosis | |
AOP302 | Lung surfactant function inhibition leading to decreased lung function |