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. 2023 Feb 23;4(1):sgad006. doi: 10.1093/schizbullopen/sgad006

Table 5.

Studies Reporting Measures of Self-perceptions

First Author, Year Questionnaire/Scale Results
Cowan, 201931 BCSS CHR reported significantly more negative beliefs about self and others and significantly fewer positive beliefs about self and other, relative to health controls.
Stowkowy, 201267 BCSS CHR reported significantly more negative schemas about the self and others.
Stowkowy, 201668
BCSS CHR reported significantly more severe negative schemas about the self and about other people compared to healthy controls.
Taylor, 201469 BCSS CHR had no significant differences in negative or positive beliefs about the self, relative to FEP.
Clay, 202073 DPB CHR reported significantly more severe DPBs than healthy controls.
Morrison, 200648 DAS
CHR reported significantly more severe beliefs about rejection and criticism from others, and significant discrepancies in self-perception, and general mental distress.
Blessing, 201743 LCS CHR reported significantly increased internal locus of control ratings after communication of diagnosis.
Pyle, 201571 PBEQ Internalized stigma was significantly related to depression, social anxiety, distress due to unusual psychological experiences, and suicidal thinking in CHR.
Stowkowy, 201572 PBEQ CHR who transitioned to psychosis agreed more to statements concerning lack of control over experiences; all sub-scores were significantly related to the CDSS and to SOPS negative symptoms with the exception of self as experiences, which was unrelated to negative symptoms.
Atkinson, 201730 RSES CHR participants reported significantly poorer self-esteem than healthy controls.
Jhung, 201663 RSES In CHR, no significant correlations of noncurrent or current emotional experiences (anhedonia and SAM scales) were found with self-esteem.
Shi, 201764
RSES CHR reported significantly poorer self-esteem relative to healthy controls; in CHR, poorer self-esteem was significantly associated with more severe positive, negative, and depressive symptoms. In CHR, higher self-esteem was significantly and positively correlated with GAF; Self-esteem significantly improved in CHR after treatment (6 months).
Pruessner, 201162
SERS CHR reported significantly poorer protective factors (self-esteem, social support, and active coping), relative to healthy controls; more severe stress in the past month was significantly related to lower self-esteem.
Alvarez-Jimenez, 201865 SERS-SF
No significant improvement in self-esteem or self-efficacy between baseline and follow-up were found.
Seo, 201870 SPS CHR reported significantly poorer self-perception than healthy controls.
Benavides, 201866 SPPA CHR and SCZ had significantly poorer GSE compared to healthy controls, but no significant differences between CHR and SCZ.
Valmaggia, 201539 Social Entrapment and Defeat Scales CHR reported significantly more severe levels of social defeat than healthy controls.

Note: Abbreviations are explained in the first footnote to table 1. CDSS, Calgary Depression Scale for Schizophrenia; SOPS, Scale of Psychosis-Risk Symptoms; SAM, Self-Assessment Manikin; GAF, Global Assessment of Functioning; SCZ, Schizophrenia; GSE, Global Self-Esteem; BCSS, Brief Core Schema Scale; DPB, Defeatist Performance Beliefs Questionnaire; DAS, Dysfunctional Attitudes Scale; PQQ, Personal Qualities Questionnaire; LCS, Locus of Control Scale; PBEQ, Personal Beliefs about Experiences Questionnaire; RSES, Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale; SERS, Self-Esteem Rating Scale; SERS-SF, Self-Esteem Rating Scale Short Form; SES, Self-Efficacy Scale; SPS, Self-Perception Scale; SPPA, Self-Perception Profile for Adults.