The physical interaction of MucA and AlgU is required for survival. (a)
Four residues of MucA make greater than one predicted hydrogen bond with AlgU.
The MucA-AlgU co-crystal structure (PDB 6IN7; Li
et al., 2019) with the cytosolic domain of MucA (aa 1–78; red)
and Regions 2 and 4 of AlgU (green, AlgU2; yellow, AlgU4)
is shown. The residues of MucA that are predicted to make more than one hydrogen
bond with AlgU (grey) are labeled in the inset. Black dotted lines, predicted
hydrogen bonds; red atoms, oxygen; blue atoms, nitrogen. (b) Frequency of
observed isolates resolving to the endogenous mucA allele (WT,
black) or the deletion allele (∆mucA, white) in the
allelic exchange assay, using PAO1 ∆algD
where mucA encodes for the indicated substitution.
Super-imposed on the bars are the number of isolates that were tested in each
category. Asterisk, p < .0001; Fisher’s exact
test. Caret, slower growing isolates. (c) Substitution of MucA residues at its
interface with AlgU abolishes their binding via yeast two-hybrid. The first 75
residues of MucA were fused to the Gal4 DNA-binding domain
(DBD-MucA1–75) and AlgU was fused to the Gal4 activation
domain (AD-AlgU). Interaction of MucA and AlgU led to lacZ
expression. Beta-galactosidase activity (in Miller units) was used as a proxy
for the protein interaction strength. WT, wild-type protein sequence; −,
no fusion protein included; hash, broken y-axis; error bars,
SEM (N = 3); letters, statistical
groupings (p < .01; biological triplicate with technical
quadruplicates; ANOVA with post-hoc Tukey HSD)