(A) Schematic of single stimulus olfactometer assay.
(B) Mosquitoes attracted to nylons from 18 subjects at the extremes of low and high attraction in the single stimulus olfactometer assay, comprising 14 subjects from the GC/QTOF-MS validation study and 4 subjects from the initial cohort. Single stimulus olfactometer assay data from 45 additional subjects, comprising 42 subjects from the GC/QTOF-MS validation study and three subjects from the initial cohort are available on Zenodo (DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.5822538). Data are displayed as violin plots with median indicated by horizontal black lines and the bounds of the violin corresponding to the range (14–24 mosquitoes/trial, n=13–28 trials)
(C) Timeline of 4 replicate GC/QTOF-MS experiments (Experiments 2.1–2.4), performed approximately one year after Experiments 1.1–1.4.
(D) Volcano plot of features enriched on worn nylons versus unworn nylons and solvent controls in Experiment 2.3. Identified compounds that were differentially abundant between high and low attractors in all Experiments 2.1–2.4 are indicated with an arrow, and labeled with an uppercase letter, corresponding to the table in E.
(E) Table describing features that were consistently differentially abundant in high versus low attractors in Experiments 2.1–2.4.
(F) Heatmap quantifying abundance of carboxylic acids with 10–20 carbons, averaged across 4 experiments, in the 18 subjects in B.
(G) Representative extracted ion chromatograms of three carboxylic acids in the 3 most and 3 least attractive subjects of the 18 subject validation cohort in B.
(H) Quantified abundance (median peak areas) of three carboxylic acids in high attractors (n=11) versus low attractors (n=7) across Experiments 2.1–2.4. Data are displayed as violin plots with median indicated by horizontal black lines and the bounds of the violin corresponding to the range. Each plotted point represents the overall median abundance of the compound in one subject across Experiments 2.1–2.4.
Data corresponding to adjacent violin plots labeled with different letters are significantly different (Wilcoxon rank-sum test followed by FDR correction p≤0.1).
See also Supplemental Figure S3 and Supplemental Figure S4.