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. 2023 Apr 3;26(4):e26073. doi: 10.1002/jia2.26073

Table 1.

Summary of main prior parameter ranges and calibration data (most recent estimates)

Parameter Range Source
Calibration data
PWID population size 255,702–474,887 [47]
HIV prevalence among PWID 22.1–22.2% 2017 APH IBBA
HCV antibody prevalence among PWID 61.6–63.9% 2017 APH IBBA
Proportion of PWID in contact with NGOs 37.6–39.3% 2017 APH IBBA
Odds ratio of being in contact with NGO if HIV positive (vs. HIV negative) 2.00–2.23 2013/15/17 APH IBBA
Odds ratio of being in contact with NGO if <25 years old (vs. >=25 years old) 0.42–0.48 2013/15/17 APH IBBA
Proportion of PWID currently on OAT 4.4–5.3% 2017 APH IBBA
Odds ratio of being on OAT if in contact with NGOs 6.75–9.47 2015/17 APH IBBA
Proportion of HIV‐positive PWID on ART 35.3–47.2% 2017 APH IBBA
Odds ratio of being on ART if in contact with NGOs (vs. not in contact) 2.72–3.39 2015/17 APH IBBA
Average duration of injecting (years) 7.5–50 2011/13/15/17 APH IBBAs
Non‐disease‐related death rate among PWID (per 100 py) 1.99–7.14 [48]
Average length of each incarceration episode (months) 13–15

2011/13/15/17 APH IBBAs;


Rate of loss to care from ART (per 100 py) 10.9–15.8 CPH HIV treatment database
Proportion of PWID on ART who are virally supressed 49–77% [49]
Relative injecting risk (frequency of injecting with used equipment) if an NGO client versus not 0.55–0.97 2011/13/15/17 APH IBBAs
OR of using a condom if NGO client versus not 1.24–1.43 2011/13/15/17 APH IBBAs
Rate of loss to care from OAT if on OAT for <2 years (per year) 0.45–0.50 Estimated using data from [50]
Rate of loss to care from OAT if on OAT for >=2 years (per year) 0.1–0.15
Relative risk of starting ART if on OAT versus not on OAT 1.50–2.33 [13]
Odds ratio of being virally supressed among those on ART if on OAT versus not on OAT 1.21–1.73 [13]
Relative risk of ART loss to care if on OAT versus not on OAT 0.63–0.95 [13]
Relative risk of HCV transmission through injecting if on OAT versus not on OAT 0.40–0.63 [15]
Relative risk of HIV transmission through injecting if on OAT versus not on OAT 0.32–0.67 [16]
Relative risk of incarceration if on OAT versus not on OAT 0.58–0.90 [14, 51]
Relative risk of non‐disease‐related mortality if on OAT versus not on OAT 0.28–0.39 [36]
Relative risk of non‐disease‐related mortality in first 4 weeks after starting OAT versus rest of time on OAT 0.94–4.10 [12]
Relative risk of non‐disease‐related mortality in first 4 weeks after leaving OAT versus rest of time off OAT 1.51–3.74 [12]

Note: Full details are in the Supplementary Materials.

Abbreviations: ART, antiretroviral therapy; NGOs, non‐governmental organizations; OAT, opioid agonist treatment; PWID, people who inject drugs.