Table 3.
Cost‐effectiveness of continuing current levels of non‐governmental organization (NGO) provision over 2022–2041 compared to a counterfactual where NGO activities cease over 2022–2026 and then continue afterwards
No NGO 2022–2026 | Status quo | Incremental | |
Cost of NGO (Million $; 2022–2041) | 96 (74–122) | 170 (132–214) | 74 (58–92) |
Cost of ART (Million $; 2022–2041) | 146 (99–238) | 145 (97–237) | –2 (–6 to 3) |
Cost of OAT (Million $; 2022–2041) | 40 (27–63) | 62 (41–95) | 22 (14–33) |
Total costs (Million $; 2022–2041) | 283 (223–390) | 377 (303–503) | 94 (75–121) |
DALYs averted | — | — | 102,736 (77,611–137,512) |
Incremental cost‐effectiveness ratio (ICER; $ per DALY averted) | — | — | 911.6 (702.4–1222.0) |
Notes: Table shows the results using baseline cost assumptions and a discount rate of 3% per annum. Cells present median projections across 1000 model fits along with 95% credibility intervals in parentheses.
Abbreviations: ART, antiretroviral therapy; DALY, disability‐adjusted life year; OAT, opioid agonist treatment.