Figure 1.
Continuous glucose monitoring systems in situ in two neonates. Neonates with continuous glucose monitoring in situ. Left panel showing Medtronic Guardian in a preterm baby: (a) sensor, (b) transmitter, (c) monitor, (D) baby with sensor in thigh. Right panel showing a Dexcom G4 with: (A) needle inserter, (B) transmitter on a baby's thigh, and (C) monitor. Figure reproduced from Myat Win, Rowan Beckett, Lynn Thomson, Ajay Thankamony, Kathryn Beardsall, continuous glucose monitoring in the management of neonates with persistent hypoglycemia and congenital hyperinsulinism, The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism, Volume 107, Issue 1, January 2022, Pages e246–e253, under the terms of the creative commons CC BY license.