Six days post-CRISPR/Cas9, anti-RBC ADCC assays were run with SHP-1 ablated expanded primary NK cells. CD107a (A), IFNγ (B), and TNFα (C) production from gene-ablated and control expanded primary NK cells was measured by flow cytometry. Flow plots show representative samples for no RNP (top), and SHP-1-ablated (bottom) expanded primary NK cells. Each dot is one subject/donor. Lines connect subjects that were nucleofected without an RNP complex (control) or with an RNP complex. Values for no RNP groups are frequencies from all NK cells, whereas values for the gene-ablated sample are only from cells negative for the protein ablated. CD107a, IFNγ, and TNFα values for each subject shown in A-C were divided by the respective no RNP sample’s value and log-transformed (D). Data from five independent experiments. Wilcoxon matched-pairs signed rank test. *: p < 0.05; **: p < 0.01; lack of stars indicates non-significance.