Figure 2.
Spectroscopic characterization of 7 fungal species from 94 patients’ isolates. (A) Averaged Raman spectra of 94 clinical isolates from 7 fungal species, each isolate averaged from over 1,000 spectra (n = 115,129 in total). Shaded area represents standard deviation from single-cell measurements. Biological assignments of Raman bands contributing mostly to the differentiation between different fungal species are highlighted. (B) Supervised LDA visualization of single fungal cells based on their Raman spectra. A 3D plot with LD1, LD2, and LD3 shows distinct clusters of Candida albicans, Candida glabrata, Candida krusei, and Candida tropicalis (left). A 3D plot with LD1, LD2, and LD4 shows additional separations between clusters of Candida guilliermondii and Candida parapsilosis (right). (C) Quantification of cytochromes in 7 fungal species by integrating Raman bands at 750 and 1,127 cm−1. (D) Quantification of ergosterol in 7 fungal species by integrating Raman bands at 540 and 1,602 cm−1. (E) Quantification of glucans in 7 fungal species by integrating Raman bands at 890, 919 and 941 cm−1. (F) Quantification of chitin in 7 fungal species by integrating Raman bands at 645, 1050, and 1,090 cm−1.