A, B
Mito‐Sox staining (A) and data quantification (B) showing mitochondrial ROS level in different aged fly brains with or without treatment with the indicated RET inhibitors (n = 5 per group).
Quantification of NAD+/NADH ratio in young flies, old flies, and old flies treated with the indicated chemicals.
Western blot analysis comparing NDUFS3 level in young and aged flies. **P < 0.01 in Student's t‐test.
Quantification of FET‐ROS in isolated mitochondria purified from aged wild‐type flies and assayed under FET condition without or with treatment at the indicated concentrations of CPT (n = 4).
Quantification of NAD+/NADH ratio in isolated mitochondria after induction of FET and with or without CPT (2.5 μM) treatment (n = 4).
Co‐immunoprecipitation assay showing the effect of aging and CPT treatment on the various protein–protein interactions between C‐I proteins involved in RET.
Quantification of ROS level from brain samples of DES and DES + CPT‐treated flies (n = 4).
Quantification of NAD+/NADH ratio from brain samples of DES and DES + CPT‐treated flies (n = 5 sets, 20 flies per set).
Quantification of NAD
+ and NADH levels measured with SoNar in different aged fly brains with or without treatment with the indicated chemicals as shown in Fig
1D (
n = 4 sets, 5 flies per set).
Quantification of NAD+/NADH ratio in wild‐type flies treated with CPT or co‐treated with CPT and NADH (n = 4 sets, 20 flies per set).
Mitochondrial C‐I activity assay using mitochondria purified from different aged flies (n = 3).
In‐gel activity assays of respiratory complexes using mitochondria purified from different aged flies.