Figure 2. Inhibition of RET by CPT treatment extends Drosophila lifespan.
A–DSurvival curves comparing overall survival (by logrank test) and maximum lifespan (by Wang–Allison test) of control flies and flies fed with food containing 10 μM CPT from 20 days (**P < 0.01 logrank, **P < 0.01 Wang–Allison) (A), 30 days (**P < 0.01 logrank, **P < 0.01 Wang–Allison) (B), or 45 days (**P < 0.01 logrank, **P < 0.01 Wang–Allison) (C) onwards. Bar graphs (D) show the quantification of mean and maximal lifespan (n = 3 groups, 20–25 flies per group).
E–HSurvival curves comparing control flies and flies fed with food containing 5 μM CPT (E), 10 μM CPT (**P < 0.01 logrank, **P < 0.01 Wang–Allison) (F), or 20 μM CPT (**P < 0.01 logrank, **P < 0.01 Wang–Allison) (G) from 35 days onwards. Bar graphs (H) show the quantification of mean and maximal lifespan (n = 3 groups, 20–25 flies per group), using single‐factor ANOVA with Scheffe's analysis as a post hoc test.
Data information: Data are representative of at least three repeats. (D, H) Data are shown as mean ± SEM. Survival curves were analyzed with logrank test along with Wang–Allison test for maximum lifespan. Asterisks indicate statistical significance (**P < 0.01, *P < 0.05). Dashed lines mark time points of 50% survival.