A, B
Survival curves showing the effect of CPT treatment on the lifespan of Mhc > APP.C99 flies (**P < 0.01 logrank, **P < 0.01 Wang–Allison) (A) and elav > APP.BACE flies (**P < 0.01 logrank, **P < 0.01 Wang–Allison) (B) (n = 3 groups, 20–25 flies per group).
C, D
Quantification of the effect of CPT and NMN treatment on wing posture (C) and NAD+/NADH ratio (D) in Mhc > APP.C99 flies.
Immunofluorescence images and data quantification showing the effect of CPT on the formation of ubiquitin‐ and 6E10‐positive amyloid aggregates in the brain of elav > APP.BACE flies (n = 5).
Immunoblots showing the effect of CPT on aberrant APP.C99 translation products in Mhc > APP.C99 and Mhc > APP/BACE flies.
Quantification of the effect of CPT on DA neuron number in the PPL1 cluster of elav > APP/BACE fly brain (n = 4 sets, 5 brains per set).
Taste memory assay showing the effect of CPT on learning and memory in elav > APP/BACE flies (n = 3 groups, 10 flies per group).
Effect of NDUFS3‐RNAi on the wing posture defect of Mhc > APP.C99 flies (n = 3 groups, 20–25 flies per group).
Survival curves showing the effect of NDUFS3‐RNAi on the lifespan of Mhc > APP.C99 flies (**P < 0.01 logrank, **P < 0.01 Wang–Allison) (n = 3 groups, 20 flies per group).
Immunoblots showing the effect of NDUFS3‐RNAi on aberrant APP.C99 translation products in Mhc > APP.C99 flies.