Experimental Models
Pericyte stem cells |
This paper |
N/A |
Tumoral epithelial cells (Epi) |
Goehrig et al (2019) |
Goehrig et al (2019) |
Lung metastatic cells (Meta) |
This paper |
N/A |
C57BL/6 mouse primary pancreatic microvascular endothelial cells |
Cell Biologics |
Cat#C57‐6206 |
C57BL/6 mice (wild type) |
Envigo |
C57bL/6JOlaHsd |
Rag2KO mice |
Charles Rivers |
P48+/Cre;KrasG12D (KC) mice |
Hingorani et al (2003) |
See reference |
pdx1+/Cre;KrasG12D;p53R172H (KPC) mice |
Hingorani et al (2005) |
See reference |
pdx1+/Cre;KrasG12D;Ink4a/Arffl/fl (KIC) mice |
Aguirre et al (2003) |
See reference |
Recombinant DNA
Addgene |
Cat#25999, RRID:Addgene_25999 |
H2B‐mCherry |
Addgene |
Cat#20972, RRID:Addgene_20972 |
Mouse monoclonal anti‐CD24 antibody (clone SN3b) |
Invitrogen/Thermo Fisher Scientific |
Cat# MA5‐11833, RRID:AB_10985938 |
Rabbit polyclonal anti‐CD44 antibody |
Abcam |
Cat# ab157107, RRID:AB_2847859 |
Rabbit monoclonal recombinant anti‐VCAM1 (CD106) antibody (clone EPR5047) |
Abcam |
Cat# ab134047, RRID:AB_2721053 |
Goat polyclonal anti‐alpha smooth muscle actin antibody, N‐term |
GeneTex |
Cat# GTX89701, RRID:AB_10721877 |
Rat monoclonal anti‐mouse cytokeratin 19 antibody, unconjugated |
Cat# TROMA‐III, RRID:AB_2133570 |
Rabbit monoclonal recombinant anti‐ZO1 tight junction protein antibody (clone EPR19945‐296) |
Abcam |
Cat# ab221547, RRID:AB_2892660 |
Rat monoclonal anti‐E‐cadherin antibody (clone ECCD‐2) |
Invitrogen/Thermo Fisher Scientific |
Cat# 13‐1900, RRID:AB_2533005 |
Rabbit polyclonal anti‐mCherry antibody |
Abcam |
Cat# ab167453, RRID:AB_2571870 |
Goat polyclonal anti‐GFP antibody |
Abcam |
Cat# ab6673, RRID:AB_305643 |
Rat monoclonal purified anti‐mouse Ly‐6G antibody (clone 1A8) |
BioLegend |
Cat# 127602, RRID:AB_1089180 |
Rabbit polyclonal StemAb™ anti‐mouse Nanog antibody |
ReproCell Incorporated |
Cat# RCAB002P‐F |
Horse anti‐goat IgG antibody (H+L), biotinylated |
Vector Laboratories/Eurobio Scientific |
Cat# BA‐9500, RRID:AB_2336123 |
Goat anti‐mouse IgG antibody (H+L), biotinylated |
Vector Laboratories/Eurobio Scientific |
Cat# BA‐9200, RRID:AB_2336171 |
Horse anti‐rabbit IgG antibody (H+L), biotinylated |
Vector Laboratories/Eurobio Scientific |
Cat# BA‐1100, RRID:AB_2336201 |
Goat anti‐rat IgG antibody, mouse adsorbed (H+L), biotinylated |
Vector Laboratories/Eurobio Scientific |
Cat# BA‐9401, RRID:AB_2336208 |
Chicken polyclonal anti‐Rat IgG (H+L) Cross‐Adsorbed Secondary Antibody, Alexa Fluor 647 |
Invitrogen/Thermo Fisher Scientific |
Cat# A‐21472, RRID:AB_2535875 |
Donkey polyclonal anti‐Rat IgG (H+L) Highly Cross‐Adsorbed Secondary Antibody, Alexa Fluor 488 |
Invitrogen/Thermo Fisher Scientific |
Cat# A‐21208, RRID:AB_2535794 |
Donkey polyclonal anti‐Rabbit IgG (H+L) Highly Cross‐Adsorbed Secondary Antibody, Alexa Fluor 555 |
Invitrogen/Thermo Fisher Scientific |
Cat# A‐31572, RRID:AB_162543 |
Donkey polyclonal anti‐Rabbit IgG (H+L) Highly Cross‐Adsorbed Secondary Antibody, Alexa Fluor 488 |
Invitrogen/Thermo Fisher Scientific |
Cat# A‐21206, RRID:AB_2535792 |
Donkey polyclonal anti‐Goat IgG (H+L) Cross‐Adsorbed Secondary Antibody, Alexa Fluor 488 |
Invitrogen/Thermo Fisher Scientific |
Cat# A‐11055, RRID:AB_2534102 |
Donkey polyclonal anti‐Mouse IgG (H+L) Highly Cross‐Adsorbed Secondary Antibody, Alexa Fluor 555 |
Invitrogen/Thermo Fisher Scientific |
Cat# A‐31570, RRID:AB_2536180 |
Rat monoclonal anti‐mouse CD45 (clone 30‐F11), APC/Cyanine7 conjugated |
BioLegend |
Cat# 103116, RRID:AB_312981 |
Rat monoclonal anti‐mouse CD45 (clone 30‐F11), APC conjugated, eBioscience |
Invitrogen/Thermo Fisher Scientific |
Cat# 17‐0451‐82, RRID:AB_469392 |
Rat monoclonal anti‐mouse CD31 (clone 390), Brilliant Violet 421 conjugated |
BioLegend |
Cat# 102423, RRID:AB_2562186 |
Rat monoclonal anti‐mouse/rat CD29 (clone HMβ1‐1), PerCP/Cyanine5.5 conjugated |
BioLegend |
Cat# 102228, RRID:AB_2572079 |
Rat monoclonal anti‐mouse CD106 (clone 429 [MVCAM.A]), Alexa Fluor 647 conjugated |
BioLegend |
Cat# 105712, RRID:AB_493429 |
Rat monoclonal anti‐mouse CD24 (clone M1/69), PE/Cyanine7 conjugated |
BioLegend |
Cat# 101822, RRID:AB_756048 |
Rat monoclonal anti‐mouse/human CD44 (clone IM7), Alexa Fluor 700 conjugated |
BioLegend |
Cat# 103026, RRID:AB_493713 |
Rat monoclonal anti‐mouse PDGFRα (clone APA5), Super Bright 600 conjugated, eBioscience |
Invitrogen/Thermo Fisher Scientific |
Cat# 63‐1401‐82, RRID:AB_2734880 |
Rat monoclonal anti‐mouse CD326 (Ep‐CAM) (clone G8.8), Brilliant Violet 510 conjugated |
BioLegend |
Cat# 118231, RRID:AB_2632774 |
Rat monoclonal anti‐mouse PDGFRβ (clone APB5), Super Bright 780 conjugated |
Invitrogen/Thermo Fisher Scientific |
Cat# 78‐1402‐80, RRID:AB_2784899 |
Armenian hamster monoclonal anti‐mouse CD34 (clone HM34), PE conjugated |
BioLegend |
Cat# 128610, RRID:AB_2074601 |
Rat monoclonal anti‐mouse CD90.2 (clone 30‐H12), Brilliant Violet 570 conjugated |
BioLegend |
Cat# 105329, RRID:AB_10917055 |
Rat monoclonal anti‐mouse CD105 (clone MJ7/18), Pacific Blue conjugated |
BioLegend |
Cat# 120412, RRID:AB_2098890 |
Rat monoclonal anti‐mouse CD146 (clone ME‐9F1), PerCP/Cyanine5.5 conjugated |
BioLegend |
Cat# 134710, RRID:AB_11203708 |
Mouse monoclonal anti‐mouse/human/rat αSMA (clone 1A4), eFluor 570 conjugated, eBioscience |
Invitrogen/Thermo Fisher Scientific |
Cat# 41‐9760‐82, RRID:AB_2573631 |
Armenian hamster monoclonal anti‐mouse/rat CD61 (clone 2C9.G2 [HMβ3‐1]), PE/Cyanine7 conjugated |
BioLegend |
Cat# 104318, RRID:AB_2687361 |
Rat monoclonal anti‐mouse Ly‐6G (clone 1A8), Brilliant Violet 785 conjugated |
BioLegend |
Cat# 127645, RRID:AB_2566317 |
Rat monoclonal anti‐mouse Ly‐6C (clone HK1.4), PE conjugated |
BioLegend |
Cat# 128008, RRID:AB_1186132 |
Rat monoclonal anti‐mouse F4/80 (clone BM8), PE/Cyanine7 conjugated |
BioLegend |
Cat# 123114, RRID:AB_893478 |
Rat monoclonal anti‐mouse F4/80 (clone BM8), PerCP/Cyanine5.5 conjugated |
BioLegend |
Cat# 123128, RRID:AB_893484 |
Armenian hamster monoclonal anti‐mouse CD11c (clone N418), Alexa Fluor 700 conjugated, eBioscience |
Invitrogen/Thermo Fisher Scientific |
Cat# 56‐0114‐82, RRID:AB_493992 |
Armenian hamster monoclonal anti‐mouse CD80 (clone 16‐10A1), Brilliant Violet 605 conjugated |
BioLegend |
Cat# 104729, RRID:AB_11126141 |
Rat monoclonal anti‐mouse CD86 (clone GL‐1), APC/Cyanine7 conjugated |
BioLegend |
Cat# 105030, RRID:AB_2244452 |
Rat monoclonal anti‐mouse/human CD11b (clone M1/70), Brilliant Violet 421 conjugated |
BioLegend |
Cat# 101251, RRID: AB_2562904 |
Human/mouse monoclonal anti‐human/mouse Granzyme B (clone GB11), Alexa Fluor 647 conjugated |
BioLegend |
Cat#515406, RRID:AB 2566333 |
Rat monoclonal anti‐mouse Granzyme B (clone 16G6), Biotin, eBioscience |
Invitrogen/Thermo Fisher Scientific |
Cat# 13‐8822‐80, RRID:AB_466954 |
Rat monoclonal anti‐mouse TNF‐α (clone MP6‐XT22), Brilliant Violet 605 conjugated |
BioLegend |
Cat# 506329, RRID:AB_11123912 |
Rat monoclonal anti‐mouse IFN‐γ (clone XMG1.2), Brillant Violet 650 conjugated |
BioLegend |
Cat#505831, RRID:AB_11142685 |
Rat monoclonal anti‐mouse CD4 (clone RM4‐5), Brilliant Violet 510 conjugated |
BioLegend |
Cat# 100553, RRID:AB_2561388 |
Rat monoclonal anti‐mouse CD8a (clone 53‐6.7), Brilliant Violet 421 conjugated |
BioLegend |
Cat# 100738, RRID:AB_11204079 |
Rat monoclonal anti‐mouse CD279 (PD‐1) (clone 29F.1A12), PE conjugated |
BioLegend |
Cat# 135206, RRID:AB_1877231 |
Rat monoclonal anti‐mouse CD366 (Tim‐3) (clone B8.2C12), APC conjugated |
BioLegend |
Cat# 134008, RRID:AB_2562998 |
Rat monoclonal anti‐mouse CD3 (clone 17A2), Brilliant Violet 711 conjugated |
BioLegend |
Cat# 100241, RRID:AB_2563945 |
Rat monoclonal anti‐mouse CD107a (LAMP‐1) (clone 1D4B), PE/Cyanine7 conjugated |
BioLegend |
Cat# 121619, RRID:AB_2562146 |
Rat monoclonal anti‐mouse CD163 (clone TNKUPJ), PE conjugated, eBioscience |
Invitrogen/Thermo Fisher Scientific |
Cat# 12‐1631‐82, RRID:AB_2716924 |
Rat monoclonal anti‐mouse Tim‐4 (clone RMT4‐54), Alexa Fluor 647 conjugated |
BioLegend |
Cat# 130008, RRID:AB_2271648 |
Armenian Hamster monoclonal anti‐mouse CD103 (clone 2E7), Brilliant Violet 510 conjugated |
BioLegend |
Cat# 121423, RRID:AB_2562713 |
Rat monoclonal anti‐mouse CD335 (NKp46) (clone 29A1.4), Brilliant Violet 421 conjugated |
BioLegend |
Cat# 137611, RRID:AB_10915472 |
Rat monoclonal anti‐mouse CD206 (MMR) (clone C068C2), Brilliant Violet 650 conjugated |
BioLegend |
Cat# 141723, RRID:AB_2562445 |
Rat monoclonal anti‐mouse CD115 (CSF‐1R) (clone AFS98), PerCP/Cyanine5.5 conjugated |
BioLegend |
Cat# 135526, RRID:AB_2566462 |
Rat monoclonal anti‐mouse CD274 (B7‐H1, PD‐L1) (clone 10F.9G2), PerCP/Cyanine5.5 conjugated |
BioLegend |
Cat# 124334, RRID:AB_2629832 |
Lectin PNA from arachis hypogaea (peanut), Alexa Fluor 647 conjugate |
Invitrogen/Thermo Fisher Scientific |
Cat# L32460
InVivoMAb mouse IgG1 isotype control (clone MOPC‐21) |
Bio X cell |
Cat# BE0083, RRID:AB_1107784 |
InVivoMab anti‐mouse CD106 (VCAM‐1) |
Bio X Cell |
Cat# BE0027, RRID:AB_1107572 |
InVivoPlus anti‐mouse PD‐1 (CD279) |
Bio X Cell |
Cat# BE0146, RRID:AB_10949053 |
InVivoPlus anti‐mouse Ly6G antibody |
Bio X Cell |
Cat# BE0075‐1, RRID:AB_1107721 |
Mouse IgG2A isotype control (clone 20102) |
R&D systems |
Cat# MAB003, RRID:AB_357345 |
Mouse CCL5/RANTES Antibody |
R&D Systems |
Cat# MAB478, RRID:AB_2290968 |
Ras (G12D Mutant Specific) (D8H7) Rabbit mAb |
Cell Signaling |
Cat# 14429S, RRID:AB_2728748 |
Peroxidase‐AffiniPure donkey anti‐rabbit IgG (H+L) antibody |
Jackson ImmunoResearch |
Cat# 711‐035‐152, RRID:AB_10015282 |
Oligonucleotides and other sequence‐based reagents
Primers for Nanog: Forward: 5′‐TCTCTCAGGCCCAGCTGTGT‐3′ and Reverse: 5′‐GCTTGCACTTCATCCTTTG‐3′ |
Intergrated DNA Technologies |
N/A |
Primers for Oct3/4: Forward: 5′‐GCCCTGCAGAAGGAGCTAGAAC‐3′ and Reverse: 5′‐GGAATACTCAATACTTGATCT‐3′ |
Intergrated DNA Technologies |
N/A |
Primers for Nkx3.2: Forward: 5′‐AGATGTCAGCCAGCGTTTC‐3′ and Reverse: 5′‐AGGGCTAACGCTGTCATCCT‐3′ |
Intergrated DNA Technologies |
N/A |
Intergrated DNA Technologies |
N/A |
Intergrated DNA Technologies |
N/A |
Primers for PDGFRβ: Forward: 5′‐TCATGAAGCCAGCAAGAGTG‐3′ and Reverse: 5′‐GTGGTAATCCCGTCAGCATC‐3′ |
Intergrated DNA Technologies |
N/A |
Primers for ACTA2: Forward: 5′‐GCCAGTCGCTGTCAGGAACCC‐3′ and Reverse: 5′‐AGCCGGCCTTACAGAGCCCA‐3′ |
Intergrated DNA Technologies |
N/A |
Primers for Prominin1: Forward: 5′‐GCCCAAGCTGGAAGAATATG‐3′ and Reverse: 5′‐CAGCAGAAAGCAGACAATCAA‐3′ |
Intergrated DNA Technologies |
N/A |
Primers for Snail1: Forward: 5′‐CTTGTGTCTGCACGACCTGT‐3′ and Reverse: 5′‐CAGGAGAATGGCTTCTCACC‐3′ |
Intergrated DNA Technologies |
N/A |
Primers for Snail2: Forward: 5′‐CATTGCCTTGTGTCTGCAAG‐3′ and Reverse: 5′‐AGAAAGGCTTTTCCCCAGTG‐3′ |
Intergrated DNA Technologies |
N/A |
Primers for Sparc: Forward: 5′‐AGAGGAAACGGTCGAGGAG‐3′ and Reverse: 5′‐CTCACACACCTTGCCATGTT‐3′ |
Intergrated DNA Technologies |
N/A |
Primers for Twist: Forward: 5′‐AGCTACGCCTTCTCCGTCT‐3′ and Reverse: 5′‐TCCTTCTCTGGAAACAATGACA‐3′ |
Intergrated DNA Technologies |
N/A |
Primers for Zeb2: Forward: 5′‐CCAGAGGAAACAAGGATTTCAG‐3′ and Reverse: 5′‐AGGCCTGACATGTAGTCTTGTG‐3′ |
Intergrated DNA Technologies |
N/A |
Primers for Zeb1: Forward: 5′‐TGAGCACACAGGTAAGAGGCC‐3′ and Reverse: 5′‐GGCTTTTCCCCAGAGTGCA‐3′ |
Intergrated DNA Technologies |
N/A |
Primers for Col6a: Forward: 5′‐GCAAGGATGAGCTGGTCAA‐3′ and Reverse: 5′‐GTCCACGTGCTCTTGCATC‐3′ |
Intergrated DNA Technologies |
N/A |
Primers for Epcam: Forward: 5′‐GATTCTGCACGTGAGACCTG‐3′ and Reverse: 5′‐GATACCAAGTCAAACCGAGAACTT‐3′ |
Intergrated DNA Technologies |
N/A |
Primers for Fn1: Forward: 5′‐CGGAGAGAGTGCCCCTACTA‐3′ and Reverse: 5′‐CGATATTGGTGAATCGCAGA‐3′ |
Intergrated DNA Technologies |
N/A |
Primers for Krt19: Forward: 5′‐TCCCAGCTCAGCATGAAAGCT‐3′ and Reverse: 5′‐AAAACCGCTGATCACGCTCTG‐3′ |
Intergrated DNA Technologies |
N/A |
Primers for Krt7: Forward: 5′‐CACGAACAAGGTGGAGTTGGA‐3′ and Reverse: 5′‐TGTCTGAGATCTGCGACTGCA‐3′ |
Intergrated DNA Technologies |
N/A |
Primers for Sox9: Forward: 5′‐CAAGACTCTGGGCAAGCTCTG‐3′ and Reverse: 5′‐TCCGCTTGTCCGTTCTTCAC‐3′ |
Intergrated DNA Technologies |
N/A |
Primers for GAPDH: Forward: 5′‐CAACGACCCCTTCATTGACC‐3′ and Reverse: 5′‐GGTCTCGCTCCTGGAAGATG‐3′ |
Intergrated DNA Technologies |
N/A |
PrimePCR™ SYBR® Green Assay CD248 for Mouse |
Bio‐Rad |
Cat#10025636 |
Intergrated DNA Technologies |
Chemicals, Enzymes and other reagents
Complete mouse endothelial cell medium |
Cell Biologics |
Cat# M1168 |
Phosphate‐buffered saline (PBS) 10× |
Gibco/Thermo Fisher Scientific |
Cat# 14190‐144 |
Dulbecco's Modified Eagle Medium (DMEM) |
Gibco/Thermo Fisher Scientific |
Cat# 61965059 |
Fetal calf serum (FCS) |
Eurobio Scientific |
Cat# CVFSVF00‐01 |
Penicillin‐Streptomycin (P/S) |
Gibco/Thermo Fisher Scientific |
Cat# 15140‐122 |
Collagenase P |
Roche/Sigma‐Aldrich |
Cat# 11213865001 |
16% Formaldehyde solution (PFA) |
Termo Fisher |
Cat# 28908 |
10% Neutral buffered formalin |
Diapath S.p.A. |
REF: F0043 |
Triton X‐100 |
Sigma‐Aldrich |
Cat# T8787 |
Antigen Unmasking Solution, Citrate‐Based |
Vector Laboratories/Eurobio Scientific |
Cat# H‐3300 |
DAB Substrate Kit, Peroxidase (HRP), with Nickel, (3,3'‐diaminobenzidine) |
Vector Laboratories/Eurobio Scientific |
Cat# SK‐4100 |
Mayer Hematoxylin |
Diapath S.p.A. |
REF: C0303 |
Antibody diluent Reagent |
Life Techno/Thermo Fisher |
Cat# 003218 |
Vectashield mounting medium with DAPI |
Vector Laboratories/Eurobio Scientific |
Cat# H‐1200 |
NuPAGE 4‐12% Bis‐Tris polyacrylamide gel |
Invitrogen/Thermo fischer |
Cat# NP0335BOX |
Immune‐Blot PVDF membrane |
Cat# 1620177 |
Tris buffered saline (TBS) |
Euromedex |
Cat# ET220 |
Tween 20 |
Cat# 28829.296 |
Bovine serum albumin (BSA) |
Sigma |
Cat# A2153‐100G |
RIPA buffer |
Pierce/Thermo Fisher |
Cat# 89900 |
Protease complete EDTA‐free |
Roche/Sigma‐Aldrich |
Cat# 04 693 159 001 |
Phosphatase phoSTOP |
Roche/Sigma‐Aldrich |
Cat# 04 906 837 001 |
Cell Activation Cocktail (w/o Brefeldin A) |
BioLegend |
Cat# 423301 |
Brefeldin A solution |
BioLegend |
Cat# 420601 |
Corning® Matrigel® Basement Membrane Matrix High Concentration |
Corning |
Cat# 354248 |
Corning® Matrigel® Growth Factor Reduced (GFR) Basement Membrane Matrix, Phenol Red‐free, LDEV‐free |
Corning |
Cat# 356231 |
Recombinant Murine PDGF‐BB |
PeproTech/Thermo Fisher Scientific |
Cat# 315‐18 |
TGF‐β1 |
Biotechne |
Cat#7666‐MB |
IncuCyte® Zoom live‐cell analysis system |
Essen Bioscience |
PA485: Pancreatitis and matched pancreatic cancer tissue array |
US Bioomax, Inc. |
BIC14011a: Pancreas intraepithelial neoplasia, pancreatitis and cancer tissue array |
US Bioomax, Inc. |
StemPro® Osteogenesis Differentiation Kit |
Gibco/Thermo Fisher Scientific |
Cat#10072‐01 |
StemPro® Chondrogenesis Differentiation Kit |
Gibco/Thermo Fisher Scientific |
Cat#10071‐01 |
Alizarin Red S Staining Kit |
ScienCell Research Laboratories |
Cat#0223 |
Alcian Blue 8GX |
Sigma‐Aldrich |
Cat#A3157‐10G |
True‐Nuclear™ Transcription Factor Buffer Set |
BioLegend |
Cat#424401 |
NucleoSpin® RNA Plus kit |
REF 740984 |
CellTrace™ CFSE Cell Proliferation Kit |
Invitrogen/Thermo Fisher Scientific |
LEGENDplex™ Custom Mouse 5‐plex Panel |
BioLegend |
Cat# B285861 |
ECL Western Blotting Substrate |
Pierce/Thermo Fisher Scientific |
Cat# 32106 |