Table 1.
List of research measures, research assessment constructs, and research measurement time points.
Measure | Type | Construct assessed | Time points |
ADIS-5 | CS | Diagnosis and severity for affective disorders | BL, PT, FU |
Background | SR | Demographic variables and military history | BL |
Chart review | CS | Physical health conditions, medications, healthcare utilization | BL, FU |
TBI screener | SR | History of traumatic brain injury and related symptoms | BL |
APPQ | SR | Symptoms of agoraphobia, social anxiety, and interoceptive avoidance | BL, PT, FU |
DASS | SR | Symptoms of depression, anxiety, and stress | BL, BWS, PT, FU |
IIRS | SR | Impairment related to symptoms of depression and anxiety | BL, BWS, PT, FU |
MASA | SR | Symptoms of avoidance, anhedonia, impairment, and coping with substance use | BL, PT, FU |
PCL-5 | SR | Symptoms of intrusions, avoidance, numbing, and arousal | BL, PT, FU |
STICSA-Trait | SR | Symptoms of cognitive and somatic anxiety | BL, BWS, PT, FU |
SF-36V | SR | Physical and mental health symptoms and related impairment | BL, PT, FU |
STTS-R | SR | Satisfaction with therapy and therapist | PT, FU |
Note. ADIS-5 = Anxiety Disorder Interview Schedule for the DSM-5; TBI = traumatic brain injury; APPQ = Albany Panic and Phobia Questionnaire; DASS = Depression Anxiety Stress Scales; IIRS = Illness Intrusiveness Rating Scale; MASA = Multidimensional Assessment of Social Anxiety; PCL-5 = PTSD Checklist for DSM-5; STICSA-Trait = State Trait Inventory for Cognitive and Somatic Anxiety — Trait Version; SF-36V = Veterans Short-Form Health Survey; STTS-R = Satisfaction with Therapy and Therapist Scale; CS = clinician scored; SR = self-report; BL = baseline; BWS = biweekly sessions (1, 3, 5, 7, 9, and 11); PT = post-treatment; FU = follow-up.