Fig. 3.
Microglial transcriptomic response kinetics in lethal viral infection. a UMAP plots showing MG1-6 in mock- and WNV-infected brains. b Top 10 up- and down-regulated genes in total microglia or in MG2-6 at dpi 5 and 7, relative to MG1 in mock-infected brains. c Frequency of microglia clusters out of total microglia in mock-infected and infected brains at dpi 5 and 7. d Dot plot showing the top 5 gene ontology (GO) processes associated with upregulated genes in MG2-6, relative to MG1. e Violin plots showing the expression of selective genes in MG1-6. f, g UpSet plots showing overlap in the number of GO biological processes upregulated by total microglia populations at dpi 5 and 7 (f) and microglia clusters, MG2-6 (g). GO processes common to two or more samples/clusters are denoted by a connecting line. Data is presented from one independent experiment with four mice per group