Structural dynamic organization of (A) eEF1Bα and (B) eEF1Bβ subunits of the eEF1B complex. The structural models are depicted using previously published PDB file [69] and are colored in accordance with the dynamic data from the H/D exchange experiments. Abbreviation of the structural domains: GEF – guanine nucleotide exchange factor, LZ – leucine zipper motif, CAR – central acidic region. Rigidly structured regions with high protection from H/D exchange are indicated in blue, dynamic regions with weak and no protection from H/D exchange are indicated in yellow and red, respectively. CAR region of both proteins and the N-terminal domain of eEF1Bβ that display no protection from H/D exchange but were modeled to have α-helical organization are shown in dark red. Gray color indicates the region of eEF1Bα and eEF1Bβ which undergo additional protection from H/D exchange upon interaction with eEF1Bγ subunit. (For interpretation of the references to colour in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.).