Structural organization of the eEF1H complex. eEF1Bα, eEF1Bβ and eEF1Bγ subunits are painted in blue, green and orange, respectively. eEF1А2 is painted in yellow. The structural model of the eEF1B complex is depicted using previously published PDB file [69]. The structural model of eEF1А2 was developed using the PDB structures 4C0S and 6RA9. The proposed structure is assembled upon a template of a trimer of eEF1Bβ subunits, held together by a Central Leucine Zipper region (green rectangle). The C-terminal domain of each eEF1Bβ subunit interacts with one eEF1A2 molecule (pink ovals). The N-terminal domain of each eEF1Bβ subunit interacts directly with one eEF1Bγ subunit, with the latter engaging a complex of eEF1Bα subunit and another eEF1A2 molecule (purple ovals). (For interpretation of the references to colour in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.).