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. 2023 Jan 28;145(1):120–131. doi: 10.1093/bmb/ldad001

Table 1.

Included studies with intervention details

Author, year of publication, country Intervention name Intervention description Young person demographics Intervention components Intervention deliverer Brief or low intensity intervention? Quality assessment score
Becker, C. B. (2017),31 International The Body Project Small-group intervention for adolescent girls with negative affect and eating disorder behaviours. Adolescent girls with negative affect and eating disorder behaviours Single session 4-hour intervention delivered in a small group setting Trained staff Brief and low intensity Not appliable (review paper)
Borschuk, A. P., et al. (2015),27 USA Brief cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) 7 sessions of CBT to reduce depressive symptoms 16-year-old female with depressive symptoms and suicidal behaviour 7 sessions lasting 30 minutes Primary care physician Brief Low
Chu, B. C., et al. (2015),26 USA Primary and Secondary Control Enhancement Training (PASCET) The PASCET programme is an eight-session cognitive-behavioural intervention guided by a detailed therapist’s manual. Children aged 8–12 years with depression 8 group sessions of around 50 minutes. Two co-therapists with clinical training Low intensity High
Fox, J. K., et al. (2014),4 USA Cool Kids Cognitive-behavioural group intervention for children with anxiety 7–12 year old children with anxiety symptoms 8 group sessions lasting 1 hour Trained therapist Brief and low intensity Not applicable (review chapter)
Fox, J. K., et al. (2014),4 USA Skills for Academic and Social Success (SASS) Cognitive-behavioural group treatment for delivery in school settings, for adolescents with social anxiety disorder Adolescents with social anxiety disorder 12 group sessions lasting 40 minutes (Weekly group school sessions, two individual meetings, two parent meetings, two teacher meetings, four social events, and two booster sessions) Psychologist and psychology graduate Brief Not applicable (review chapter)
Frank, H. E., et al. (2021),24 USA Camp Cope A Lot Computer-assisted cognitive behavioural therapy intervention for anxious youth 7–13 year olds with generalized anxiety disorder, social anxiety disorder and separation anxiety disorder. 12-session computer assisted CBT intervention f based on the Coping Cat programme Providers did not need prior mental health training and participation was voluntary Low intensity Medium
Jagiello, T., et al. (2022),30 Australia Study without stress (SWOS) SWOS is grounded in CBT, and skills were taught primarily through didactic group work and homework exercises Self-identified distressed year 11 students (15/16 years) 8 sessions of 30 minutes Teachers trained to deliver the programme by the school counsellor Brief and low intensity Medium
Koschmann, E., et al. (2019),28 USA School based CBT Weekly student CBT skills groups led by a school professional and attended by a coach 8–18 year olds who scored highly on depression or anxiety self-reported questionnaire (PHQ9 and GAD7) 10group sessions lasting for a single class period (approximately 50mins) School staff and a coach Brief Medium
LoCurto, J., et al. (2020),25 USA Modular CBT (M-CBT) Adapted CBT, made up of modules which can be delivered in any order 6–18 year olds who all met criteria for primary anxiety disorder 12 individual sessions of 30–40 minutes. Seven core modules: psychoeducation, exposure, rewards, cognitive restructuring, problem-solving, somatic and relaxation skills and relapse prevention Clinician led Brief Medium
McKeague, L., et al. (2018),29 UK DISCOVER – How to handle stress Self-referral school-based group intervention designed for stressed students in sixth form 16–19 year olds who wished to receive psychological help for emotional difficulties 1-day workshop, for up to 15 students One clinical psychologist and two assistant psychologists Brief and low intensity High