a, b Agarose gel electrophoresis of PCR amplicons indicating the presence or absence of any recombinant insert following biopanning of the metagenomic phage display library against starch. a Biopanning against starch and elution with D-glucose. Results of a single screening experiment. Lane 1: 1 kbp DNA marker. Lanes 2–9: PCR amplicons of clones St-Glc1 to St-Glc9. b Biopanning against starch and elution with starch. Results of a single screening experiment. Lane 1: 1 kbp DNA marker. Lanes 2–9: PCR amplicons of clones St-St1 to St-St9. c–f AlphaFold2 predicted structural models of St-Glc2 (c), St-Glc8 (d), St-St4 (e), and St-St5 (f). g AlphaFold2 predicted structural model of St-Glc1. h Coomassie blue stained SDS-PAGE showing purified St-Glc1 protein following Ni-NTA metal ion affinity chromatography; Lane 1: Protein molecular weight marker; Lane 2: Purified recombinant St-Glc1 protein. i Concentration dependent binding of St-Glc1 to immobilized starch, amylose, and amylopectin. Individual data points plotted after background subtraction along with regression curves. Results of a single binding experiment with two technical replicates. Source data in Supplementary Data 3. j Binding of St-Glc1 to wells containing immobilized starch, amylose, amylopectin, or buffer (blank) with or without pre-incubation with starch, amylose, amylopectin, or D-glucose. Results of a single binding experiment. Means are plotted as bars and individual data points included. Error bars represent standard deviations of three technical replicates. Source data in Supplementary Data 3. k AlphaFold2 predicted structural model of St-Glc5v2. l Coomassie blue stained SDS-PAGE showing purified St-Glc5v2 protein following Ni-NTA metal ion affinity chromatography; Lane 1: Protein molecular weight marker. Lane 2: Purified recombinant St-Glc5v2 protein. m Concentration dependent binding of St-Glc5v2 to immobilized starch, amylose, and amylopectin. Individual data points plotted after background subtraction along with regression curves. Results of a single binding experiment of two technical replicates. Source data in Supplementary Data 3. n Binding of St-Glc5v2 to wells containing immobilized starch, amylose, amylopectin, or buffer (blank) with or without pre-incubation with starch, amylose, amylopectin, or D-glucose. Results of a single binding experiment. Means are plotted as bars and individual data points included. Error bars represent standard deviations of three technical replicates. Source data in Supplementary Data 3.