Fig. 2.
The PFA TME is comprised of major epithelial and mesenchymal transcriptomic zones. (A) Representative low magnification images of 2 PFA EPN showing classic EPN histology by H&E staining, including regions of hypercellularity with prominent perivascular pseudorosettes (black arrow), areas of increased true ependymal rosettes and epithelial differentiation (green arrow), and paucicellular regions with a lesser degree of differentiation (red arrow). (B) H&E images with overlayed ST spot clusters revealing extensive heterogeneity of transcriptomic signatures across the TME. (C) ST spot clusters congregate into two major classes (epithelial-differentiated and mesenchymal), which when overlayed onto H&E images are arranged into cohesive epithelial and mesenchymal zones. Epithelial and mesenchymal zones are associated with hypercellular differentiated and paucicellular less differentiated regions, respectively. CEC, ciliated EPN cells; TEC, transportive EPN cells; UEC, undifferentiated EPN cells; MEC, mesenchymal EPN cells.