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. 2023 Apr 5;6(4):e235439. doi: 10.1001/jamanetworkopen.2023.5439

Table. Baseline Demographic and Clinical Characteristics of Patients.

Characteristic Patients, No. (%)
Baseline evaluation period (n = 394) IF evaluation period (n = 362) Total (n = 756)
Men 273 (69.3) 267 (73.8) 540 (71.4)
Women 121 (30.7) 95 (26.2) 216 (28.6)
American Indian or Alaskan Native 12 (3.0) 15 (4.1) 27 (3.6)
Asian 3 (0.8) 4 (1.1) 7 (0.9)
Black 110 (27.9) 113 (31.2) 223 (29.5)
Multiracial 25 (6.3) 12 (3.3) 30 (4.0)
White 206 (52.3) 188 (51.9) 394 (52.1)
Unknown or refused 47 (11.9) 24 (6.6) 71 (9.4)
Hispanic or Latino 49 (11.9) 39 (10.8) 88 (11.6)
Not Hispanic or Latino 345 (87.6) 323 (89.2) 668 (88.4)
Age, mean (SD) y 38.9 (11.7) 39.7 (11.7) 39.3 (11.7)
<High school diploma 140 (35.5) 126 (34.8) 266 (35.2)
High school graduate or equivalent 130 (33.0) 146 (40.3) 276 (36.5)
Some college, no degree 74 (18.8) 62 (17.1) 136 (18.0)
≥College degree 50 (12.7) 28 (7.7) 78 (10.3)
Working 63 (16.0) 66 (18.2) 129 (17.1)
Unemployed 228 (57.9) 192 (53.0) 420 (55.6)
Disabled (permanently or temporarily) 80 (20.3) 62 (17.1) 142 (18.8)
Other 23 (5.8) 42 (11.6) 65 (8.6)
Unstable housing
Spent ≥1 night in the past 12 moa
Any unstable housing or homelessness 275 (69.8) 262 (72.4) 537 (71.0)
Shelter for persons experiencing homelessness 102 (25.9) 108 (29.8) 210 (27.8)
On the street or public place not intended for sleeping 191 (48.4) 192 (53.0) 383 (50.7)
Welfare hotel or SRO 43 (10.9) 48 (13.3) 91 (12.0)
Doubled-up in someone else’s house or apartment 190 (48.2) 135 (37.3) 325 (42.9)
Emergency, temporary, transitional, or halfway house 36 (9.1) 35 (9.7) 71 (9.4)
Currently living ina
Any unstable housing or homelessness 222 (56.3) 209 (57.7) 431 (57.0)
Shelter for persons experiencing homelessness 41 (10.4) 41 (11.3) 82 (10.8)
On the street or public place not intended for sleeping 94 (23.9) 98 (27.1) 192 (25.4)
Welfare hotel or SRO 3 (0.8) 6 (1.7) 9 (1.2)
Emergency, temporary, transitional, or halfway house 4 (1.0) 9 (2.5) 13 (1.7)
Doubled-up in someone else’s house or apartment 102 (25.9) 77 (21.3) 179 (23.7)
Health insurance
Any 344 (87.3) 296 (81.8) 640 (84.7)
Private or commercial 45 (11.4) 24 (6.6) 69 (9.1)
Medicare 31 (7.9) 37 (10.2) 68 (9.0)
Medicaid 287 (72.8) 254 (70.2) 541 (71.6)
Other 7 (2) 6 (2) 13 (2)
Has a primary medical practitioner, No./total No. (%) 149/393 (37.9) 131/361 (36.3) 280/75 (37.0)
Usual source of care, No./total No. (%)
Private physician office 57/393 (14.5) 59/361 (16.3) 116/754 (15.3)
Clinic 116/393 (29.5) 96/361 (26.6) 212/754 (28.0)
ED or none 217/393 (55.2) 204/361 (56.5) 421/754 (55.7)
Positive urine test results during enrollment
Opiates 328 (83.2) 283 (78.2) 611 (80.8)
Fentanyl 200 (50.8) 216 (59.7) 416 (55.0)
Oxycodone 159 (40.4) 139 (38.4) 298 (39.4)
Methadone 43 (10.9) 56 (15.5) 99 (13.1)
Buprenorphine 144 (36.5) 169 (46.7) 313 (41.4)
Cocaine 177 (44.9) 165 (45.6) 342 (45.2)
Methamphetamine 146 (37.1) 141 (39.0) 287 (38.0)
Amphetamine 114 (28.9) 102 (28.2) 216 (28.6)
Benzodiazepines 101 (25.6) 126 (34.8) 227 (30.0)
Barbiturates 7 (1.8) 1 (0.3) 8 (1.1)
Tetrahydrocannabinols 153 (38.8) 128 (35.4) 281 (37.2)
MDMA 21 (5.3) 26 (7.2) 47 (6.2)
Overdose history, No./total No. (%)
≥1 Overdose in the past 30 d 108/393 (27.5) 106/361 (29.3) 214/754 (28.3)
Report a medical intervention overdose in past 30 d 84/393 (21.4) 79/361 (21.8) 163/754 (21.5)
Injection drug use reported in past month 232/394 (58.9) 185/361 (51.2) 417/755 (55.1)
Mental health history
Psychiatric evaluation during the ED visit 11/394 (2.8) 15/361 (4.2) 26/755 (3.4)
Lifetime psychiatric treatment
Inpatient 161/392 (40.9) 116/361 (32.1) 277/753 (36.6)
Outpatient 185/393 (47.0) 150/361 (41.6) 335/754 (44.3)
Any psychiatric treatment in the past 30 d 60/393 (15.2) 42/361 (11.6) 102/754 (13.5)
PHQ-9 score, mean (SD)b 12.9 (6.9) 12.1 (7.4) 12.5 (7.2)

Abbreviations: ED, emergency department; IF, implementation facilitation; MDMA, 4-methylenedioxy-methamphetamine; PHQ-9, Patient Depression Questionnaire 9-Item; SRO, single room occupancy.


Multiple responses could be given.


The PHQ-9 is the major depressive disorder module of the full Patient Health Questionnaire.