Fig. 4.
Amphileptus pilosus sp. nov. from life (A–E) and after protargol impregnation (F–H). A Left view of a representative individual, arrowheads point to the scattered contractile vacuoles. B Shape variants. C Oral extrusomes. D Nuclear apparatus. E Frontal view, showing cortical granules (arrowheads) of the left side. F Detail of the ventral margin of the posterior body region, showing the semi-suture made by progressively shortened ventral rightmost kineties and perioral kinety 2. G Ciliary pattern of the left side of the holotype specimen, asterisk marks the terminus of perioral kinety 1, dashed line denotes the rather indistinct anterior suture. H Ciliary pattern of the right side of the holotype specimen, dashed line marks the anterior suture, green-shaded area delimits the posterior suture. DB dorsal brush, PK1 perioral kinety 1, PK2 perioral kinety 2, RSK right somatic kineties. Scale bars = 100 μm in A, B, G, H; scale bars = 5 μm in C