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. 2022 Aug 11;32(8):e2704. doi: 10.1002/eap.2704


Summary of a generalized linear model analysis comparing the effect sizes of forest structure, composition, and physiography on (a) resistance (dNPPmax) and (b) resilience (αNPP) of Engelmann spruce forest to a regional spruce beetle outbreak (n = 103 sample locations).

Metric and parameter Estimate (β) SE t p
(a) dNPPmax
(Intercept) 1.479 0.451 3.277 0.001
Tree density (stems/ha−1) −0.025 0.118 −0.216 0.829
QMD (cm) −0.158 0.130 −1.213 0.228
Transformed aspect −0.323 0.263 −1.225 0.224
Slope (%) −0.087 0.127 −0.688 0.493
Elevation (m) −0.309 0.107 −2.892 0.005
HLI (MJ/cm2/year) −0.110 0.139 −0.787 0.433
Spruce basal area (%) −0.016 0.005 −3.110 0.002
Pre‐disturbance NPP mean −0.258 0.088 −2.945 0.004
Pre‐disturbance NPP variance 0.088 0.085 1.038 0.302
(b) αNPP
(Intercept) −0.234 0.113 −2.080 0.040
Tree density (stems/ha−1) 0.076 0.094 0.806 0.422
QMD (cm) 0.050 0.129 0.386 0.701
Transformed aspect 0.595 0.227 2.622 0.010
Slope (%) −0.015 0.108 −0.143 0.887
Elevation (m) 0.162 0.096 1.683 0.096
HLI (MJ/cm2/year) −0.018 0.116 −0.158 0.875
Spruce basal area (%) 0.110 0.137 0.804 0.424
Pre‐disturbance NPP mean 0.035 0.076 0.457 0.649
Pre‐disturbance NPP variance 0.072 0.076 0.941 0.349

Note: Significant (p < 0.05) and marginally significant (p < 0.10) effects are denoted in boldface text.

Abbreviations: HLI, heat‐load index; NPP, net primary productivity; QMD, quadratic mean diameter.