Figure 5.
(a) Mosaic of Voyager/Galileo coverage of Ganymede in simple cylindrical projection, covering the area discussed in the text (credit: USGS); (b) First JunoCam image of the same area; (c) Excerpt from the global geologic map of Ganymede (Collins et al., 2013). The simplified key uses the same unit definitions as the USGS map (Patterson et al. (2010); Collins et al., 2013), ages 1/2/3 in light material refer to relative ages based on cross‐cutting relationships from age 1 (oldest) to age 3 (youngest); (d) Preliminary reinterpretation of geologic map based on JunoCam data, using the same unit definitions in panel (c) The regional‐scale topographic dome in Section 4.2 is shown by the dashed outline, subjovian point indicated by “X.”.