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. 2022 Jul 17;18(1):e12492. doi: 10.1111/opn.12492


Data extraction table

Author & Year No: of participants (% of women) Age/ mean age Country and study setting Type of study Medication in intervention group: oral supplementation of Control group Trial Duration Hip fracture incidence Non‐vertebral fracture Femoral neck Bone mineral density Risk of bias
Vit D3 (IU) Calcium (mg)
Chapuy et al. (1992) 2790 (100) 69–106 years


Nursing homes or apartment houses for elderly people

RCT 800 1200 (tricalcium phosphate) Placebo 18 months The total incidence of hip fracture is 80/1387 (Intervention group), 110/1403 (Control group). (p = 0.043) Non vertebral fracture: 160/1387 (intervention group), 215/1403 (control group (p = 0.015) Femoral BMD +2.9 + _6.4 (intervention group), +1.8 + _9.4 (control group) (p = 0.036) Randomly assigned to vitamin D ‐ calcium group or the placebo group in groups of 4., Placebo controlled, ITT analysis
Chapuy et al. (1994) 2303 (100) 84 (mean age) France, Nursing homes or apartment houses for elderly people RCT 800 1200 (tricalcium phosphate) Placebo 36 months Hip fracture: 138/1176 (intervention group), 184/ 1127 (control group) (OR = 0.70; 95% CI, 0.62,0.78) Non vertebral fracture: 301/1176 (Intervention group), 368/1127 (Control group). (OR 0.70; 95% CI, 0.51,0.91) NA Unclear Randomization method, Placebo controlled, ITT analysis
Dawson‐Hughes et al. (1997) 389 (55) 65+

United States

Community Dwelling

Double blinded, placebo‐ controlled trial 700 500 (Calcium citrate malate) Placebo 36 months Hip fracture: 0/187 (intervention group), 1/202 (Control group) Non vertebral fracture: 11/187 (intervention group), 26/202 (control group) (p = 0.03). Femoral neck BMD: +0.18 + _1.90 (intervention group), −0.22 + _ 3.65 (control group), (p = 0.02). Unclear randomization, Double blinded throughout treatment period, Placebo controlled, ITT analysis.
Chapuy et al. (2002) 583 (100) Mean age 85 years


Apartment Houses for the elderly.

RCT 800 1200 (tricalcium phosphate) Placebo 24 months Hip fracture: 27/393 (Intervention Group), 21/190 (Control group) (p = 0.07) Non vertebral fracture: 69/393 (intervention group), 34/190 (control group) Femoral neck BMD ‐1.2 + _6.4 (intervention group). ‐4.5 + _ 7.1 (control group) Unclear randomization method, Double blinded throughout treatment period, Placebo controlled, ITT analysis
Porthouse et al. (2005) 3314 (100) ≥ 70 years


Practice nurse led clinics in primary care.

Pragmatic open RCT 800 1000 (calcium carbonate) Nil 18–42 months

Hip fracture 8/1321 (Intervention group), 17/1993 (Control group).

OR 0.75; 95% CI, 0.31,1.78. p = 0.51

Non vertebral fracture: 58/1321 (intervention group), 91/1993 control group).

OR 1.01; 95% CI, 0.71, 1.43)

NA Computer based randomization, Pragmatic, open controlled trial, No medication in control group, ITT analysis
RECORD Trial Group (2005) 2638 (85) 70 years or older


21 hospitals in the UK

RCT 800 1000 (calcium carbonate) Placebo 24–62 months Hip fracture 46/1306 (Intervention group), 41/1332 (control group) Non vertebral fracture: 165/ 1306 (intervention group), 178/1332 (control group). NA Computer based randomization, Double blinded throughout treatment period, Placebo controlled, Masking of treatment allocation stated, ITT analysis
Salovaara et al. (2010) 375 (100) 65–71


Bone and cartilage Research unit of the clinical research centre of the University of Kuopio, Finland

RCT 800 1000 (calcium carbonate) Nil 52 months

Hip fracture 4/290 (intervention group), 2/313 (control group)

Hazard Ratio 2.19 (0.40–12.00)

Non vertebral fracture: 77/290 (intervention group), 82/313 (control group) HR 0.89 (0.65–1.22) NA Randomization done by an independent statistician using Windows 11.0, Participants in the control group did not receive any intervention or placebo, ITT analysis