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. 2002 Apr 6;324(7341):813. doi: 10.1136/bmj.324.7341.813

Box 2.

Randomised trials in preparation or ongoing

UKCCCR Colorectal Cancer Group: To compare the value of intensive versus minimalist follow up after apparently curative resection for colorectal cancer on disease free and overall survival ( and McArdle C, ABC of colorectal cancer: effectiveness of follow up. BMJ 2000;321:1332:5
Libutti S. A prospective trial of CT, MRI, PET scanning and antibody scanning in patients with colorectal cancer and rising CEA (
Southampton and Wessex Colorectal Cancer Group. A randomised controlled trial to assess the cost effectiveness of intensive versus no scheduled follow up in patients who have undergone resection for colorectal cancer with curative intent (personal communication with Professor J Primrose, University of Southampton)
A randomised trial of intensive versus minimalist follow up of patients with resected Dukes B-C colorectal cancer: the pilot phase. GILDA (Gruppo Italiano di Lavoro per la Diagnosi Anticipata). Tumori 1998;84(suppl):89(abstr 221)
Catalan Agency for Health Technology Assessment (CAHTA): Patients' monitoring and follow up in colorectal cancer with the purpose of detecting curable tumour relapses (cited in the Cochrane Library, 2000, issue 2)
FFCD (Foundation Francaise de Cancerologie Digestive) colorectal cancer follow up study (cited in: Audisio RA, Robertson C, Colorectal cancer follow up: perspectives for future studies. Eur J Surg Oncol 2000;26:329-37)
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