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. 2023 Apr 6;7:37. doi: 10.1186/s41687-023-00558-y

Table 3.

Mapping of codes to the BREAST-Q scales

Domain BREAST-Q Item No. of codes that mapped per item Subcodes (where applicable)
Satisfaction-breast(s) (n = 485) Look in the mirror-clothed 39
Shape of breast(s)-bra on 26*
Feel normal-clothed 8
Size of breast(s) 19
Wear fitted clothing 55*
Breasts lined up 20
Bra fit 31
Softness of breast(s) 45
Breasts equal in size 26
Breast(s)-natural looking 16
Breast(s)-sit/hang 11
Breasts-touch 25
Breasts-part of body 23
Breasts-matched 34
Look in mirror-clothed 74*
Implant-Rippling/Wrinkling 5
Clothing type 24
Movement 4
Satisfaction—nipples and areola (n = 44) Size 5
Shape 2
Natural 4
Color 11
Projection 7
Position 1
Similar 1
Sensation 5
Soft 1
Look overall 7
Satisfaction – cleavage (n = 14) Scale under development
Satisfaction – scar (n = 116) Mapped to SCAR-Q
Psychological wellbeing (n = 127) Confident-social situation 24
Emotionally able 1
Emotionally healthy 21
Equal worth to other women 1
Self-confident 4
Feminine 1
Accepting of body 50
Normal 3
Like other women 15
Attractive 7
Physical wellbeing – chest (n = 565) Pain-chest 69
Difficulty moving/lifting arm 58
Difficulty sleeping 25
Tightness-breast area 61
Pulling-breast area 42
Nagging feeling 1
Tenderness 1
Sharp pain 24
Aching feeling 8
Throbbing 7
Arm swelling 25
Other Arm codes^ 374
Breast swelling 14
Breast sensation 230

Numbness (n = 71)

Tingling (n = 34)

Heavy (n = 27)

Temperature changes (n = 19)

Itchy (n = 12)

Pressure (n = 9)

Other abnormal sensation (n = 58) eg, burning, milk let-down, twinges

Comfortable/at ease 44

At ease-overall (n = 8)

At ease re. partner touching/looking at breasts (n = 34)

At ease re. touching own breasts (n = 2)

Confident 8

Self-conscious (n = 2)

Confident (n = 6)

Satisfied 55

Drive/arousal (n = 11)

Frequency (n = 33)

Quality (n = 7)

Overall (n = 4)

Confident-breast appearance 23 Appearance of breasts and nipple (n = 23)
Sexually attractive-unclothed 30 Look overall-unclothed (n = 30)
Adverse effects of radiation (n = 79) Skin-look different 40

Color changes (n = 5)

Overall different (n = 35)

Marks on skin 3 Brownish-black marks/looks burnt (n = 3)
Skin-dry 7

Dry (n = 3)

Itchy (n = 4)

Skin-sore to touch 17

Sore/painful/discomfort/tender (n = 9)

Sensitive (n = 8)

Skin-thicker when touched 11 Feels different (n = 11)
Skin-irritated by clothing 1 Clothing rubs against skin (n = 1)
Other arm codes (n = 374) Physical wellbeing 135


Activity avoidance/behaviour (n = 27)

Work impact (n = 11)

Difficulty sleeping (n = 7)

Difficulty lifting or moving arms (n = 90)#



Sensation-arm (n = 39)

Pain (n = 33)

Fatigue (n = 17)

Skin changes (n = 6)

Dexterity/Grip (n = 6)

Pulling (n = 2)

Psychological wellbeing 29 Distress
Satisfaction 47 Arm sleeve
60 Arm appearance

Codes highlighted in italic did not map to the BREAST-Q; ^arm codes that pertained to lymphedema are shown separately; #mapped to BREAST-Q Physical Wellbeing difficulty moving or lifting arm item