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. 2023 Mar 23;2023:10.17912/micropub.biology.000770. doi: 10.17912/micropub.biology.000770

Figure 1. Comparative analysis of repression ability of GAL80ts and GAL80TET transgenes with Mef2-Gal4 (Mef2) and DJ694-Gal4 (DJ694).

Figure 1. Comparative analysis of repression ability of GAL80ts and GAL80TET transgenes with Mef2-Gal4 (Mef2) and DJ694-Gal4 (DJ694)

A) Grim developmental lethality assay. The y-axis shows the percentage of individuals alive relative to the previous stage. L1 larvae (white): percentage of eggs that hatched. Pupae (grey): percentage of L1 larvae that pupated. Adults (black): percentage of pupae that yielded adults. In the top graph animals were maintained at 20℃. In the bottom graph animals were maintained at 29℃. Error bars represent ± SD across all experimental replicates. B) Developmental expression of lacZ as measured by CPRG and Bradford assays. Y-axis shows the ß-galactosidase specific activity (∆mA/min/mg). Extracts were prepared from whole animal samples of third instar (L3) wandering larvae (white), early pupae (grey), late pupae (black). Bars represent the average of all four experimental replicates (5 extracts in each). Error bars represent ± SD across all experimental replicates. Animals were raised at either 20 or 29℃. The temperature and the driver used is indicated in the top left corner of each graph. The percentages atop each bar denote the percent expression relative to the no GAL80 control genotype. C) Adult expression of lacZ. Extracts were prepared from dissected thoraces. Bars represent the average of all four experimental replicates (5 extracts in each). Error bars represent ± SD across all experimental replicates. Different chronological time points were measured across the different temperature treatments in order to standardize to the physiological age. 0% lifespan (white): 20℃= 0-2d, 29℃= 0-2d. 10% lifespan (grey): 20℃= 10-12d, 29℃= 3-5d. 40-50% (black): 20℃= 40-42d, 29℃=15-17d. The percentages atop each bar denote the percent expression relative to the no GAL80 control genotype.