Figure 1.
ACE2 and heparin binding affinity to VOC spike trimer
(A) Binding affinities of VOC spikes to dimeric ACE2 measured by BLI; KD values were calculated with steady-state analysis.
(B) Degree of bound complex formation for VOC spikes to dimeric ACE2 as measured by ELISA. TMB (3,3′,5,5′-tetramethylbenzidine) was used as a chromogen for ELISA.
(C) Binding affinities of VOC spikes to HEP measured by BLI; KD values calculated with steady-state analysis.
(D) Degree of bound complex formation for VOC spikes to HEP as measured by ELISA. Three independent tests were performed (n ≥ 3), and standard deviation from mean value was represented as an error bar in the graph. p values < 0.05 (∗), 0.01 (∗∗), and 0.001 (∗∗∗) were determined using a one-way ANOVA with Tukey’s post hoc test.