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. 2023 Apr 7;13(4):e9975. doi: 10.1002/ece3.9975


Shannon and Simpson indices comparing dung beetle assemblage sampled within the same transect by flight interception traps (FITs) an pitfall traps baited with human feces at three terra firme primary forests within the Brazilian Amazon.

Locality Transect Trap type Shannon CI 95% [L–U] Simpson CI 95% [L–U]
BR‐319 A FIT 14.369 [14.369–16.923] 8.423 [8.423–9.838]
Pitfall 21.560 [21.560–23.356] 15.598 [15.598–16.841]
B FIT 13.865 [13.865–17.031] 5.999 [5.999–7.294]
Pitfall 14.244 [14.244–15.319] 9.616 [9.616–10.270]
C FIT 20.364 [20.364–25.318] 11.193 [11.193–14.902]
Pitfall 13.802 [13.802–15.111] 8.916 [8.916–9.647]
Cristalino A FIT 20.740 [20.74–22.451] 11.152 [11.152–12.321]
Pitfall 12.470 [12.470–13.454] 6.288 [6.288–6.697]
B FIT 18.385 [18.385–20.576] 11.618 [11.618–12.987]
Pitfall 5.529 [5.529–5.915] 2.678 [2.678–2.802]
C FIT 21.454 [21.454–27.509] 16.666 [16.666–21.054]
Pitfall 8.797 [8.797–9.216] 5.497 [5.497–5.684]
Serra do Divisor A FIT 16.033 [16.033–22.623] 12.402 [12.402–18.794]
Pitfall 9.563 [9.563–10.531] 4.697 [4.697–5.138]
B FIT 19.393 [19.393–25.148] 9.589 [9.859–12.790]
Pitfall 14.200 [14.200–15.560] 7.145 [7.145–7.861]
C FIT 15.368 [15.368–20.187] 10.211 [10.211–13.636]
Pitfall 14.580 [14.580–15.629] 8.965 [8.965–9.642]

Note: When confidence intervals (CI) are not overlapping the indices values are statistically different. Confidence interval with 95% [lower limit–upper limit].