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. 2023 Apr 7;14:1958. doi: 10.1038/s41467-023-37537-2

Fig. 2. Homologous recombination deficiency in TNBC PDX.

Fig. 2

a Contingency analysis showing the relationship between biallelic BRCA1/2 inactivation (BRCA1/2 mutations and BRCA1 methylation associated with LOH of the second allele) and response to platinum (Fisher’s exact test, two-sided). b BRCA1 gene expression determined by RT-PCR analysis in BRCA1 methylated PDX (n = 14) as compared to un-methylated PDX (n = 41). Data are presented as a Min/Max Whiskers plots with lines indicating the median. p = 0.0002 (Mann–Whitney test, two-tailed). c BRCA1 gene expression in BRCA1 methylated PDX according to the percentage of BRCA1 methylation. Each bar represents a single value d Waterfall plot representing platinum responses in PDX with biallelic inactivation of BRCA1/2: pathogenic BRCA1/2 mutations and BRCA1 methylation, associated with LOH. e Percentage of BRCA1/2 mutation and BRCA1 methylation in the 30 PDX with HRD based on shallow WGS. f PDX reponse to platinum according to the HRD status. p = 0.007, Fisher’s exact test (two-sided). g Correlation analysis between shallowHRD scores and CGH HRD score (Pearson correlation).