a, The scatterplots highlight the loop pixels within the entire four SVs region (two inversions and two deletions). b, The contact heatmaps of paternal deletion Del-chr14 and maternal deletion Del-chr22. c, The contact heatmaps of Inv-chr7. d, The genome track of Inv-chr7 shows the chromatin interactions, CTCF and H3K27ac binding on the un-inverted allele and ‘inversion-fix’ allele. In this region, the un-inverted paternal genome has A1-A4 and A5-A6 cross-boundary CTCF loops. The maternal inversion created new A1-A5 and A4-A6 cross-boundary loops due to the inverted orientation the CTCF motifs. Note that in paternal genome, the A1-A4 loop encompass multiple enhancers, while in the inverted maternal genome the A1-A5 loop lack enhancers. e, The gene expression level of gene CCZ1 in two alleles. The height of browser tracks indicating the raw counts of ChIP-seq.