Figure 6.
Model responses. A, T4c GCaMP6f (red) and recti-nonlinear model (green) responses to grating moving in PD (top row) and ND (bottom row) at four different speeds. B, T4c GCaMP6f and model peak responses to grating moving in PD (top) and ND (bottom) at four different speeds. C, T4c GCaMP6f (red) and recti-nonlinear model (green) responses to ON-edge moving in PD (top row) and ND (bottom row) at four different speeds. D, T4c GCaMP6f and model peak responses to ON-edge moving in PD (top) and ND (bottom) at four different speeds. E, F, The directional tuning index Ldir for GCaMP6f (red), recti-nonlinear (green), and rectilinear (blue) model for grating moving in 12 directions at four different speeds and at four different contrasts, respectively.