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. 2023 Apr 8;117(6):1288–1305. doi: 10.1016/j.ajcnut.2023.04.003


Body composition abnormalities in patients with COVID-19

Study Body compartment analyzed Technique Prevalence of body composition abnormalities Cutoff values used to define abnormalities
Beltrao [47] Muscle mass CT Low SMA: 111 of 200 (55.5%) SMA: <92 cm2
Cornejo-Pareja [48] Muscle mass BIA SPhA quartiles (lowest to highest) Categorized SPhA into quartiles
Q1: 34 of 127 (26.8%) Q1: lower 25th percentile (<−2)
Q2: 31 of 127 (24.4%) Q2: 25th–50th percentile (−1.9 to −0.8)
Q3: 34 of 127 (26.8%) Q3: 50th to 75th percentile (−0.7 to 0.2)
Q4: 28 of 127 (22%) Q4: >75th percentile (≥0.3)
Damanti [4] Muscle mass and radiodensity CT Low SMI: 53 of 81 (65.4%) SMI: specific to each sex and vertebra level according to Derstine et al. [66]
Low SMD: 69 of 81 (85.2%) Low SMD: specific to each vertebra level according to Derstine et al. [66]
De Lorenzo [72] Adipose tissue CT (estimated %BF) Obese: 12 of 22 (54.5%) Defined using age- and sex-specific %BF cutoffs [128]
Del Giorno [49] FFM
Body cell mass
BIA At nutritional risk Defined malnourished when BIA parameters were lower than the 15th percentile
Low PhA: 79 of 90 (87.8%) Low PhA: 4.3°
Low FFM: 76 of 90 (84.4%) Low FFM: 27.9 kg/m
Low FM: 76 of 90 (84.4%) Low FM: 6.2 kg/m
Erdöl [50] Muscle mass CT Low SMI: 77 of 232 (33.2%) Low SMI: data-driven tertiles (specific cutoff values not reported)
Favre [20] Adipose tissue CT High VAT: 64 of 165 (38.8%) High VAT: ≥128.5 cm2
Feng [51] Muscle mass and radiodensity CT Low paraspinal muscle index:
Males: 32 of 63 (50.8%)
Females: 26 of 53 (49.1%)
Low paraspinal muscle index: defined using gender-specific medians (values not reported)
Low paraspinal SMD: Males: 32 of 63 (50.8%)
Females: 27 of 53 (50.9%)
Low paraspinal SMD: defined using gender-specific medians (values not reported)
Giraudo [52] Muscle radiodensity CT Low SMD: 43 of 150 (28.7%) Low SMD: <30 HU
Goehlr [70] Adipose tissue CT High VAT: 263 of 378 (69.6%) High VAT: ≥100 cm2
Kang [53] Muscle mass and adipose tissue CT Low SMI: 103 of 127 (81.1%) Low SMI at L2
<50 cm2/m2 for males; <39 cm2/m2 for females
High VAT:SAT ratio: 40 of 127 (31.5%) High VAT:SAT ratio: as a proxy of high visceral adiposity
>1.33 for males; >0.71 for females
Low SMD: 15 of 127 (11.8%) Low SMD: as a proxy of myosteatosis
<32.7 HU for males; <28.9 for females
Kim [54] Muscle mass CT Low SMI: 29 of 121 (24%) SMI:
≤24 cm2/m2 for males; ≤20 cm2/m2 for females
Koehler [55] Muscle mass and radiodensity CT Low SMI at L3: 83 of 162 (51.2%) Low SMI at L3:
<52.3 cm2/m2 for males; <38.6 cm2/m2 for females (both BMI < 30 kg/m2)
54.3 cm2/m2 for males 46.6 cm2/m2 for females (both BMI > 30 kg/m2)
Low SMD at L3: 105 of 162 (64.8%) Low SMD:
<32.5 HU for females; <35.5 HU for males
Kremer [42] Muscle mass US Low psoas muscle area index:
Males: 33 of 69 (47.8%)
Females: 20 of 44 (45.5%)
Low psoas muscle area index: Defined using gender-specific median muscle indices from reference cohort I (≤ median)
Males: 246.9 mm2/m2
Females: 224.1 mm2/m2
McGovern [56] Muscle mass and radiodensity CT Low SMI: 39 of 63 (62%) Low SMI:
<43 cm2/m2 for males; <41 cm2/m2 for females (both BMI < 25 kg/m2)
<53 cm2/m2 for males; SMI <41 cm2/m2 for females (both BMI >25 kg/m2)
Low SMD: 51 of 63 (81%) Low SMD:
<41 HU for BMI < 25 kg/m2; <33 HU for BMI ≥ 25 kg/m2)
Adipose tissue High VAT: 42 of 63 (67%) VAT: males >160 cm2; females >80 cm2
High SAT: 47 of out 63 (75%) SAT: males >50.0 cm2/m2; females >42.0 cm2/m2)
Menozzi [41] Muscle mass CT Low SMA: 41.5% (overall)
First wave: 88 of 155 (57.9%)
Second wave: 25 of 117 (21.6%)
Low SMA: <92.3 cm2 for males; <56.1 cm2 in females
Moctezuma-Velázquez [57] Muscle mass CT Low SMI: 115 of 519 (22.2%) Low SMI: <42.6 cm2/m2 for males; <30.6 cm2/m2 for females
Molwitz [58] Muscle mass CT Low SMI: Prado et al. [68]:
Male: 18 of 20 (90%)
Female: 6 of 12 (50%)
Martin et al. [67]:
Male: 17 of 20 (85%)
Female: 7 of 12 (58.3%)
Werf et al. [69]:
Male: 11 of 20 (55%)
Female: 3 of 12 (25%)
Low SMI: specific to each sex and vertebra level according to Prado et al. [68], Martin et al. [67], Werf et al. [69] cutoffs
Ogata [6] Adipose tissue CT VAT/TAT: Defined using data-driven tertiles
Lowest: 17 of 53 (32.1%) Lowest VAT/TAT: ≤48.9%
Middle: 18 of 53 (34.0%) Middle VAT/TAT: 49.0% to 66.1%
Highest: 18 of 53 (34.0%) Highest VAT/TAT: ≥66.2%
Osuna-Padilla [59] Muscle mass CT Low SPhA:
Nonsurvivors: 24 of 25 (96%)
Survivors: 29 of 42 (69%)
Low SPhA: < −1.65
Osuna-Padilla [40] Muscle mass CT Low SMI: 41 of 86 (48%) Low SMI:
≤52.3 cm2/m2 for males; ≤38.6 cm2/m2 for females (both BMI < 30 kg/m2)
≤54.3 cm2/m2 for males; ≤46.6 cm2/m2 for females (both BMI > 30 kg/m2)
Padilha [60] Muscle radiodensity CT Low SMD: 71 of 200 (35.5%) Low SMD:
<35.5 HU for males; <27.7 HU for females
Pediconi [71] Adipose tissue CT VAT-defined obesity: 40 of 62 (64.5%) VAT-defined obesity: >130 cm2
VAT-defined overweight: 10 of 62 (16.1%) VAT-defined overweight: 100–129 cm2
Stevanovic [73] FM BIA Very high %BF:50.9% Very high %BF:
Males: >25% for ages 20–39; >27.5% for ages 40–59; >30% for ages ≥60
Females: >39.5% for ages 20–39; >40% for ages 40–59; >41.5% for ages ≥60
Ufuk [61] Muscle mass CT Low pectoralis muscle index:
Males: 25 of 76 (32.9%)
Females: 19 of 54 (35.2%)
Low pectoralis muscle index: smallest tertile of height-square adjusted pectoralis area values for each sex
Watanabe [92] Adipose tissue CT N/R High VAT: defined using data-driven quartiles
Wilkinson [38] Muscle mass BIA Low ALST:
ALST index: 8321 of 490,301 (1.7%)
ALST/BMI: 8293 of 490,301 (1.7%)
Either index: 9342 of 490,301 (1.9%)
Low ALST (defined using 2 distinct indices):
ALST index (ALST/height2): <7.26 kg/m2 for males and <5.45 kg/m2 for females [129]
ALST/BMI: <0.789 in males and <0.512 in females [130]
High % BF: >25% in men and >35% in women [131].
Sarcopenic obesity: defined as the presence of obesity and low muscle mass (using both ALST index and ALST/BMI definitions)
Yang [62] Muscle radiodensity CT Low SMD: 71 of 143 (49.7%) Low SMD: 32.7 HU in males and 28.9 HU in females
Adipose tissue High VAT/SAT: 72 of 143 (50.3%) High VAT/SAT: median values of 1.33 for males and 0.71 in females
Yi [63] Muscle mass CT Low SMI: 78 of 234 (33.3%) Low SMI: data-driven tertiles (specific cutoff values not reported)
Low SDM: 77 of 234 (32.9%) Low SMD: data-driven tertiles (specific cutoff values not reported)
Ying-Hao [64] Muscle mass CT Low pectoralis muscle index: 39 of 116 (33.6%) Low pectoralis muscle index: 16.4 cm2/m2 for males and 13.8 cm2/m2 for females

ALST, appendicular lean soft tissue; HU, Hounsfield unit; L2, second lumbar vertebra; L3, third lumbar vertebra; N/R, not reported; PhA, phase angle; SAT, subcutaneous adipose tissue; SMA, skeletal muscle area; SMD, skeletal muscle radiodensity; SMI, skeletal muscle index; SPhA, standardized phase angle; TAT, total adipose tissue; VAT, visceral adipose tissue. Note: The study by Watanabe et al. [92] categorized patients into data-driven quartiles of VAT; however, the authors did not specify the final number of patients in each group, so data could not be abstracted here.