Experimental Timeline of Bone Defects Challenged With Laser and Methylene Blue on Wistar Rat. Control (GI) - Proximal bone defects (n = 4) exposed to only a simulation of laser exposure, without methylene blue. Methylene blue (GII) - Distal bone defects (n = 4) challenged with methylene blue (10 µL to 0.01%) and simulation of laser exposure in the postoperative period. LLLT (GIII) - Proximal bone defects exposed to the laser in the postoperative period. PDT + LLLT (GIV) - Distal bone defects (n = 4) challenged with methylene blue (10 µL to 0.01%), with transoperative laser exposure (PDT), and exposed to postoperative laser therapy. PDT + LLLT (GIV) - Distal bone defects (n = 4) challenged with methylene blue (10 µL to 0.01%), with transoperative laser exposure (PDT), and exposed to postoperative laser therapy. PDT = emission of red (arsenic and gallium) laser, only one point (90 s), pulsatile, λ = 660 nm, 40 mW and total dose of 2.3 J/cm2. LLLT = emission of red (arsenic and gallium) laser, five points, pulsatile, 90 s/point, λ = 660 nm, 40 mW