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. 2023 Apr 9;13:5795. doi: 10.1038/s41598-023-32676-4

Table 2.

Taxonomic, morphological characters and ecological distributions (habitat types, irradiance and relative abundance across the Great Barrier Reef) of CCA species tested in this study.

Species Family/Sub-family Collection site Key morpho-anatomical characteristics Distribution Relative abundance (GBR shelf) Herbarium numbers Genbank Reference (Distribution and GBR abundance)
Habitat Irradiance level Inner Mid Outer psbA rbcL
Lithothamnion cf. proliferum Hapalidiaceae Davies Reef Branching. Lobed branches; very smooth surface; multiporate conceptacles; cell fusions Crevices, caves Low Rare Rare Rare DP-2428 OP830448 OP830463 Dean et al.15
Melyvonnea cf. madagascariensis Mesophyllumaceae Davies Reef Branching. Surface with protuberances; multiporate conceptacles; coaxial hypothallus and cell fusions Shallow–deep reef Low–mid Rare Common Rare DP-2493; DP-2436 OP830452 OP830467 Dean et al.15, G.D.-P. pers. obs
Adeylithon cf. bosencei Hydrolithoideae Davies Reef Branching. Cylindrical branches; strongly tessellate surface; trichocytes in loosely defined fields; cell fusions Shallow–deep reef Low–high Rare Rare Common DP-2438 OP830454 OP830469 Peña et al.49, G.D.-P. pers. obs
Hydrolithon cf. reinboldii Hydrolithoideae Palm Island Group Encrusting. Knobby protuberances; strongly tessellate surface; dimerous hypothallus; cell fusions Shallow–deep reef Mid Common Moderate Moderate DP-2526 OP830457 OP830472 Dean et al.15, G.D.-P. pers. obs
Amphiroa cf. foliacea Lithophylloideae Davies Reef Branching. Articulated (geniculate); cylindrical to flattened branches; secondary pit connections Shallow–mid reef Mid–high Rare Moderate Moderate DP-2437 OP830453 OP830468 G.D.-P. pers. obs
Lithophyllum cf. insipidum Lithophylloideae Palm Island Group Encrusting. Dimerous thallus; strongly tessellate surface; secondary pit connections present Crest, shallow reef Mid–high Rare Common Common DP-2559 OP830456 OP830471 Dean et al.15
Lithophyllum cf. kotschyanum Lithophylloideae Davies Reef Branching. Thick and robust branches; slightly tessellate surface; secondary pit connections Reef crest Mid—high Moderate Moderate Common DP-2434 OP830451 OP830466 Dean et al.15
Lithophyllum cf. pygmaeum Lithophylloideae Davies Reef Branching. Pointy to round branches; slightly tessellate surface; secondary pit connections Crest, shallow reef Mid–high Rare Moderate Moderate DP-2430 OP830449 OP830464 Dean et al.15
Titanoderma cf. tessellatum Lithophylloideae Davies Reef Encrusting. Concentric whorls; large green–brown conceptacles; secondary pit connections Shallow–deep reef Low–mid Rare Rare Rare DP-2427 OP830447 OP830462 Dean et al.15
Neogoniolithon cf. fosliei Neogoniolithoideae Davies Reef Encrusting. Very large conceptacles; skin chicken like surface; individual trichocytes; cell fusions Reef crest High Rare Common Common DP-2489-2 OP830450 OP830465 Dean et al.15
Porolithon cf. onkodes "Orange" Metagoniolithoideae Davies Reef Encrusting. ‘Orange’ species in Porolithon cf. onkodes complex; trichocytes in well-defined fields; cell fusions Reef crest High Moderate Common Common DP-2423 OP830444 OP830460 Dean et al.15, G.D.-P. pers. obs
Porolithon cf. onkodes "Chalky" Metagoniolithoideae Davies Reef Encrusting. ‘Chalky’ species in Porolithon cf. onkodes complex; trichocytes in well-defined fields; cell fusions Reef crest High Moderate Common Common DP-2425 OP830445 OP830460 Dean et al.15, G.D.-P. pers. obs
Porolithon cf. onkodes "Yellow conceptacles" Metagoniolithoideae Palm Island Group Encrusting. Conspicuous yellow-green conceptacles; trichocytes in well-defined fields; cell fusions Reef crest High Common Rare Rare DP-2467 OP830446 OP830461 G.D.-P. pers. obs
Sporolithon sp. Sporolithaceae Davies Reef Encrusting. Thick thallus; smooth surface; presence of sori Crevices, caves Low Moderate Rare Rare DP-2439 OP830455 OP830470 Dean et al.15, G.D.-P. pers. obs
Ramicrusta sp. Peyssonneliaceae Davies Reef Encrusting. Thick thallus only partially calcified (surface soft) Crevices, caves Low Rare Moderate Moderate DP-2435 OP830458 OP830473 G.D.-P. pers. obs

Herbarium numbers refer to the collection of Diaz-Pulido at Griffith University, Brisbane, Australia. Representative sequences of each CCA species for the psbA and rbcL gene regions were submitted to GeneBank. G.D.-P. refers to Guillermo Diaz-Pulido.