Fig. 5.
γ-wave stochasticity. (A) A histogram of γ-interpeak intervals exhibits an exponential-like distribution with mean characteristic γ-period, ms, about six times smaller than . (B) The average scores ⟨βγ⟩ and ⟨λγ⟩ are higher than for the θ-wave, indicating that γ-patterns are more diverse than θ-patterns. (C) The dynamics of the λγ-score (Top panel) correlate with changes in the speed when the animal moves actively. Note that λγ often exceeds the upper bound of the “pink stripe,” i.e., γ-waves often produce statistically uncommon patterns, especially during rapid moves. The βγ-score (Bottom panel) correlates with the animal’s acceleration, which is lost when lap times increase (gray stripes). (D) Locally averaged λ-score, , grows with speed, while switches from higher to lower value with increasing acceleration (pink arrow).