Figure 1.
This map presents the locations of outsourcing pharmacies offering c-hCG and c-FSH. c-LH was not available from any of the survived pharmacies. States presented in green currently have outsourcing pharmacies which offer c-hCG and c-FSH. States presented in blue have outsourcing pharmacies which previously offered c-hCG and c-FSH but not longer do. States with blue and green stripes have outsourcing pharmacies which currently offer c-hCG and c-FSH as well as outsourcing pharmacies which previously offered c-hCG and c-FSH. States presented in red do not currently and have not ever had outsourcing pharmacies which offer c-hCG or c-FSH. c-FSH, compounded follicle-stimulating hormone; c-hCG, compounded human chorionic gonadotrophin; c-LH, compounded luteinizing horomone.