a) Axial liver (outlined in dotted white lines) images of CCl4 and vehicle treated mice imaged before (pre) and 45 min p.i. (post) of Gd-DOTA or Mn-2CHyd (0.1 mmol/kg i.v., grey scale), and corresponding post-pre subtraction liver images (color scale); b) Post-pre change in liver to muscle contrast to noise ratio (ΔCNR) change over time for CCl4 and vehicle treated mice imaged with Mn-2CHyd; c) ΔCNR in vehicle treated (n = 4) and CCl4 mice (n = 6) at 45 mins p.i. of Gd-DOTA and Mn-2CHyd. *P < 0.05, **P < 0.01, ns, not significant, unpaired student t test.